42nd Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association
Rio Rico Resort, Rio Rico, Arizona ~ February 26 – March 1, 2003

Wednesday, February 26
- 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM, NE-162 Business Meeting (Sierra Madre Room)
- Ca. 9:30 AM, Golf Anyone?
- (Tee-times have been reserved for all wishing to play at the Rio Rico Resort course.
- Contact: Bob Formaini bob.formaini@dal.frb.org or Terry Clower tclower@scs.cmm.unt.edu)
- 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Registration (Mariposa Room)
- 12:15 PM, Field Trip Participants: Assemble in Hotel Lobby (Requires Advance Reservation and Ticket)
- 12:30 PM (sharp!), Buses Leave for U.S.–Mexico Border Economy Field Trip
- 5:15 PM (approx.), Buses return from Field Trip
- 5:30 – 7:00 PM, Welcoming Reception for All Conference Participants and Accompanying Persons (Location TBA)
Wednesday, 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
NE-162 Business Meeting ~ Sierra Madre Room
Convener: Judy STALLMANN, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, USA

Field Trip
U.S–Mexico Border Economy
(Requires Advance Reservation and $20 Fee; All Participants and Accompanying Persons Welcome!)
Leaders: Lay James Gibson, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, and Robert Detweiler, Rural Development Office, Arizona Department of Commerce, Phoenix
12:15 PM, Assemble in hotel lobby
12:30 PM (sharp!), Buses depart
5:15 PM (Approx.), Buses return to the Rio Rico Resort

Welcoming Reception
(Location TBA: For All Conference Participants and Accompanying Persons)

Thursday, February 27, Morning
- 7:45 AM, Coffee Available (Mariposa Room)
- 7:45 AM and throughout the day, Registration (Mariposa Room)
- 8:30 or 9:15 AM – 12:00 Noon, Five Concurrent Sessions: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E
- 10:00 – 10:30 AM, Coffee Break (La Fuente Courtyard; Weather Location: Mariposa Room)

Paper Session 1A ~ (Room TBA)
International Borders: Interaction and Integration
Chair: Lawrence M. SOMMERS, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA
Measuring the Non-Measurable: Lessons from the Arizona-Sonora Region
Vera PAVLAKOVICH-KOCHI, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Roger E. BOLTON, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA
Business Cycle Coordination Along the Texas-Mexico Border
Keith R. PHILLIPS, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, San Antonio, and Jesus CAÑAS, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, El Paso, USA
Discussant: Börje JOHANSSON, Jönköping Univ., Sweden
The Determinants and Consequences of Remittances: The Case of Mexican Migrants in the United States
J. Ulyses BALDERAS, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
Discussant: Brigitte WALDORF, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
An Exploration of the Determinants of Propensities for Bilateral Treaties on International Rivers
Jennifer SONG and Dale WHITTINGTON, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Discussant: Angie DONELSON, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

Paper Session 1B ~ (Room TBA)
Spatial and Location Analysis
Chair: Asao ANDO, Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan
A New Way to Look at Asian Trade: An Application of Pull-Push Analysis
Dong GUO, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Discussant: David HOLLAND, Washington State Univ., Pullman, USA
Some Issues in Spatial Econometrics and Economic Geography
Jean H.P. PAELINCK, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Discussant: Sergio REY, San Diego State Univ., USA
Toward a Quantitative Analysis of Industrial Clusters: Shapely Value, Entropy, and Fuzzy Measures
Chokri DRIDI, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Discussant: John R. ROY, ETUDES, Mallacoota, Victoria, Australia

Paper Session 1C ~ (Room TBA)
Urban Systems
Chair: George RENGERT, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, USA
Upcoming Migration Data and Reports from Census 2000
Marc PERRY, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA
Discussant: Lars Olaf PERSSON, Nordregio, Stockholm, Sweden
Urban Population Redistribution: Dual Sweden Revisited?
Mats JOHANSSON, Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies (ITPS), Stockholm, Sweden
Discussant: Ron MCCHESNEY, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA
Urban Area Price-Change Patterns in the United States
Andreas MOLIN, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Timothy HOGAN, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, USA

Paper Session 1D ~ (Room TBA)
Regional Growth and Convergence, I
Chair: Paul POLZIN, Univ. Montana, Missoula, USA
Cross-Nation Comparison of Multi-Dimensional Regional Inequality: The Case of Spain and Hungary
Henk FOLMER, Lucia QUADRADO, and Wim HEIJMAN, Wageningen Univ., The Netherlands
Discussant: Sandy DALL’ERBA, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
A Farm-Level Study on the Effects of Transport Infrastructure Improvements on Agricultural Output
Adelheid HOLL, Univ. Sheffield, England, and Ricardo MORA, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Discussant: Lars LUNDQVIST, Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Disparities Between the U.S. States: From 1990 to 2000
Ermelinda LOPES, Minho Univ., Braga, Portugal
Discussant: Roger F. RIEFLER, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Alternative Regional Specification and Convergence of U.S. Regional Growth Rates
Jon R. MILLER and Ismail GENE, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, USA
Discussant: Mark DRABENSTOTT, Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank, USA

Paper Session 1E ~ (Room TBA)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Chair: Robert STROM, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Estimating Universities’ Contribution to Regional Economic Development
Harvey A. GOLDSTEIN and Catherine S. RENAULT, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Discussant: Charlie KARLSSON, Jönköping Univ., Sweden
The Entrepreneurial Coalition: Knowledge-Based Collaboration in a Regional Manufacturing Network
Roel RUTTEN and Frans BOEKEMA, Tilburg Univ., Tilburg, The Netherlands
Discussant: Hans WESTLUND, Swedish Inst. for Regional Growth Policy Studies
R&D, Firm Size and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis
Daniel SHEFER and Ammon FRENKEL, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
Discussant: Richard SCHWINDT, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Wired Communities in the City: Sydney, Australia
Scott BAUM, Tan YIGITCANLAR, and Robert STIMSON, Univ. Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia
Discussant: Edward FESER, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

Thursday, February 27, Afternoon
- 12:00 – 1:30 PM, Lunch (On your own this day; Note: the Resort will offer a special lunch buffett in the restaurant this day)
- 1:00 – 5:00 PM, Registration Continues (Mariposa Room)
- 1:30 – 5:00 PM, Six Concurrent Sessions: 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F
- 3:00 – 3:30 PM, Coffee Break (La Fuente Courtyard; Weather Backup: Mariposa Room)
- 3:30 – 5:00 PM, WRSA Board Meeting (By Invitation Only; Sierra Madre Room)

Paper Session 2A ~ (Room TBA)
NE-162 / WRSA Joint Session: Pay and Prosperity in the New American West
Chair: David HOLLAND, Washington State Univ., Pullman, USA
The Role of Changes in the Industrial Structure of Employment in Explaining Low Average Pay in the West
Thomas Michael POWER, Univ. Montana, Missoula, USA
Discussant: Bruce WEBER, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, USA
The Decline in Real Wages in the Mountain West: A Test of the Power and Barrett Wages-Paid vs. Industry-Mix Hypothesis
Steve COOKE, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, USA
Discussant: Dawn THILMANY, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, USA
An Examination of the Wage Curve: A Research Note
Steve DELLER, Univ. Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Discussant: Mitch RENKOW, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, USA
Amenities and Migration
Stephan J. GOETZ, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Discussant: Maureen KILKENNY, Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA

Paper Session 2B ~ (Room TBA)
Regional Growth and Convergence, II
Chair: Jon R. MILLER, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, USA
Do ‘Jobs Follow People’ or ‘People Follow Jobs’? Empirical Evidence from the ‘Carlino-Mills’ Literature
Gerke J. HOOGSTRA, Univ. Groningen, Raymond J.G.M. FLORAX, Free Univ., Amsterdam, and Jouke VAN DIJK, Univ. Goningen, The Netherlands
Discussant: John I. CARRUTHERS, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Geographic Differences in Year 2000 Occupational Salaries
Roger F. RIEFLER, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Discussant: Roberto CORONADO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, El Paso
Distribution of Regional Income and Regional Funds in Europe 1989–1999: An Explanatory Spatial Data Analysis
Sandy DALL’ERBA, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Discussant: Jesus CAÑAS, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, El Paso, USA

Paper Session 2C ~ (Room TBA)
Transportation and Land Use
Chair: Edd HAUSER, Univ. North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
The Effect of Demographic Shifts on Non-Automobile Transportation Needs of the Elderly
Brigitte WALDORF, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA, and David Pitfield, Loughborough Univ., England
Discussant: John QUIGLEY, Univ. California, Berkeley, USA
Land Use and Travel Behavior: Some Modeling and Policy Perspectives
Lars LUNDQVIST, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Discussant: T. John KIM, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
The Impact of Light Rail Stations on Taxable Property Valuations and Transit-Oriented Development: The Case of Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Terry L. CLOWER and Bernard L. WEINSTEIN, Univ. North Texas, Denton, USA
Discussant: Koji SATO, Kanagawa Univ., Japan
The Pricing of Delivery Services
Amiya BASU, Syracuse Univ., Charles INGENE, Univ. Mississippi, Oxford, Tridib MAZUMDAR, Syracuse Univ., USA
Discussant: Bernard L. WEINSTEIN, Univ. North Texas, Denton, USA

Paper Session 2D ~ (Room TBA)
Interindustry Analysis
Chair: Frans BOEKEMA, Tilburg Univ., The Netherlands
Regional Input-Output Analysis, Data and Uncertainty
John R. ROY, ETUDES, Mallacoota, Victoria, Australia
Discussant: Dong GUO, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Determinants of Spatial and Sectoral Variations in Firm Birth: Empirical Results for Portugal
Adelheid HOLL, Univ. Sheffield, England
Discussant: Ermelinda LOPES, Minho Univ., Braga, Portugal
Economic Determinants of Output Multiplier: Interregional Input-Output Framework
Suahasil NAZARA, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Discussant: Thomas C. LOWINGER, Washington State Univ., Pullman, USA

Paper Session 2E ~ (Room TBA)
New Methods of Demographic Analysis I: Distribution, Mobility, and Urbanization
Chair: Michael RATCLIFFE, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA
Linking Migration and Mobility: Individual and Contextual Effects in British Housing Markets
William A.V. CLARK, Univ. California, Los Angeles, USA, and Youqin HUANG, State Univ. New York, Albany, USA
Discussant: SeongWoo LEE, Seoul National Univ., Korea
Urbanization of Lakeshore Communities in the Ozarks
Sonya M. GLAVAC, U.S. Geological Survey, Rolla, Missouri, USA
Discussant: Michael RATCLIFFE, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA
Estimating Global Developed Land Using Transportation Infrastructure
Ron McCHESNEY, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA
Discussant: Andreas MOLIN, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA

Paper Session 2F ~ (Room TBA)
The Frontiers of Regional Policy
Chair: Donald DESKINS, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Some Lessons from the Global Renaissance in Regional Policy
Mark DRABENSTOTT and Katharine SHEAFF, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, USA
Discussant: Matthias RUTH, Univ. Maryland, College Park
Potential Effects of Climate Change on Temperature-Related Mortality in Metropolitan Boston
Anthony AMATO, Matthias RUTH, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Paul KIRSHEN, David GUTE, Nicholas MAGLIANO, Tufts Univ., Medford, Massachusetts, and James HORWITZ, Binary Systems Software, Newton, Massachusetts, USA
Discussant: Richard WOBBEKIND, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
A Typology of International Rivers
Dale WHITTINGTON and Jennifer SONG, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Discussant: R. Pete PARCELLS, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
The Economic Impact of the Medicaid Program on Alaska’s Economy
Gerald A. DOEKSEN, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, USA
Discussant: Scott BAUM, Univ. Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia

Thursday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
WRSA Board Meeting ~ (Sierra Madre Room)
(By Invitation Only)
Convener: David A. PLANE, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA

Friday, February 28, Morning
- 8:00 AM, Coffee Available (Mariposa Room)
- 8:15 AM and throughout the day, Registration Continues (Mariposa Room)
- 8:30 AM–12:00 Noon, Five Concurrent Sessions: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E
- 10:00–10:30 AM, Coffee Break (La Fuente Courtyard; Weather Backup: Mariposa Room)

Paper Session 3A ~ (Room TBA)
Development and Urbanization in the Mexico–U.S. Border Region
Chair: Arthur L. SILVERS, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Spatial and Demographic Data for Colonias
Michael R. RATCLIFFE, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA
Discussant: Vera PAVLAKOVICH-KOCHI, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Changing Dimensions of Deprivation: Exurban Growth and the Arizona Border Region, 1990–2000
Angie DONELSON, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Dawn THILMANY, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, USA
The Localized Effects of Global Industrialization: The Case of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Adrian X. ESPARZA and Brigitte WALDORF, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: John FRANCIS, Auburn Univ., Montgomery, USA

Paper Session 3B ~ (Room TBA)
New Methods of Demographic Analysis II: Fertility and Migration
Chair: Andrei ROGERS, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
Applying Shift-Share Analysis to Regional Fertility Change: The Case of Italy, 1952–1991
Rachel FRANKLIN, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA and David A. PLANE, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Mats JOHANSSON, Swedish Inst. for Growth Policy Studies, Stockholm
An Experiment in Spatial Modeling Applied to Total Fertility Rates in Cairo
Xiaoling YANG, Arthur GETIS, and John R. WEEKS, San Diego State Univ., USA
Discussant: Stuart H. SWEENEY, Univ. California, Santa Barbara, USA
Estimating Migration Propensities from Birthplace-Specific Population Stocks of Infants
Andrei ROGERS and Lisa JORDAN, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
Discussant: Marc PERRY, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA
The Estimation of International Migration in Europe
James RAYMER, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
Discussant: Sonya GLAVAC, U.S. Geological Survey, Rolla, Missouri, USA

Panel Session 3C ~ (Room TBA)
The New Economy: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Robert FORMAINI, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, USA
Terry CLOWER, Univ. North Texas, Denton, USA
Robert FORMAINI, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, USA
Thomas SIEMS, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, USA
Friday, 8:30 AM – 12:00 Noon
Paper Session 3D ~ (Room TBA)
Transportation and Urban Forms
Chair: Koji SATO, Kanagawa Univ., Japan
The Emergence of Hierarchy in Transportation Networks
Bhanu M. YERRA, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Discussant: Jean H. P. PAELINCK, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Economic Assessment of Earthquake Impacts on Transportation Networks: A Scenario Analysis
Tschangho John KIM, Jungyul SOHN, Geoffrey J. D. HEWINGS, Jong Sung LEE, and Sung-Gheel JANG, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Discussant: Edd HAUSER, Univ. North Carolina, Charlotte, USA
Rural Urbanity and Rural Metropolises as Emerging Spatial Forms
Claude LACOUR and Sylvette PUISSANT, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, Pessac, France
Discussant: Dale WHITTINGTON, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
SAVVY Simulated City: Simulated Academic Virtual Vectors for YIMS (Young Intellectually Maturing Students)
R. Pete PARCELLS and Amanda REMINGTON, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
Discussant: Claude GRUEN, Gruen Gruen + Associates, San Francisco, USA

Paper Session 3E ~ (Room TBA)
Regional Analyses of Crime
Chair: SeongWoo LEE, Seoul National Univ., Korea
Social Disorganization and Crime Revisited, 1990–2000
Meagan CAHILL, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Lawrence M. SOMMERS, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA
The Impact of Immigration and Border Enforcement on Border Crime Rates
Roberto CORONADO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, El Paso, and Pia M. ORRENIUS, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, USA
Discussant: J. Ulyses BALDERAS, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
The Killing Corridor of Oakland, California: Are There Links Among Parolees, Unstable Drug Markets, and Runaway Homicide Rates in Four Census Tracts? (A Reaction Function Analysis)
C. Daniel VENCILL, San Francisco State Univ., USA
Discussant: Meagan CAHILL, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
An Analysis of the Location of Illegal Drug Markets
George F. RENGERT, Jerry RATCLIFFE, Mark MATTSON, and Sanjoy CHAKRAVORTY, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, USA
Discussant: C. Daniel VENCILL, San Francisco State Univ., USA

Friday, February 28, Afternoon
- 12:15–2:00 PM, Annual Banquet Luncheon (For All Participants; Tickets required; Location TBA)
- 2:00–5:00 PM, Registration Continues (Mariposa Room)
- 2:15–4:30 PM, Six Concurrent Sessions: 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F
- 5:00–6:30 PM, President’s Reception (For All Participants and Accompanying Persons; Location TBA)

Friday, 12:15 – 2:00 PM
WRSA Annual Banquet Luncheon
(Location TBA)
(For All Conference Registrants; Additional tickets for accompanying persons must be purchased by Wednesday, February 26)
Chair: Roger R. STOUGH, 43rd WRSA President (2002–2003)
Presentation Ceremonies:
The 8th Annual Springer-Verlag Prize
Presented by: Roger R. STOUGH, Co-editor, The Annals of Regional Science
The 17th Annual Charles M. Tiebout Prize
Presented by: John M. QUIGLEY, 41st WRSA President (2000–2001)
Presidential Address:
Regional Science for What? The Policy Orientation of WRSA
Koichi MERA, 44th WRSA President (2003–2004)
Discussant: Roger E. BOLTON, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA

Paper Session 4A ~ (Room TBA)
Regional Economic Theory
Chair: Claude LACOUR, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, Pessac, France
Time Cannot Be Saved: Social Capital – An Element of the Capital Theory of the Knowledge-Based, Digital Economy?
Hans WESTLUND, Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies (ITPS), Sweden
Discussant: Alistair ROBSON, Univ. Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia
Investment in Social Capital, Networks, and Household Production
Roger E. BOLTON, Williams College, Williamstown, USA
Discussant: Arthur L. SILVERS, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Some Thoughts on the Comparison of the Geographical Spatial-ness of Austrian Economics and Evolutionary Economics Theories with Particular Emphasis on the Application to Regional Economic Philosophy and Theory
Alistair ROBSON, Univ. Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia
Discussant: Bob FORMAINI, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, USA

Paper Session 4B ~ (Room TBA)
Technological Change and Business Location
Chair: Joseph E. MCCLURE, McClure Consulting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Spatial ICT Clusters in Sweden – An Empirical Method to Identify a Necessary Condition for Existence
Charlie KARLSSON, Charlotta MELLANDER, and Thomas PAULSSON, Jönköping Univ., Sweden
Discussant: Adelheid HOLL, Univ. Sheffield, England
The Spatial Dynamics of Corporate Takeover Activity
Michael C. CARROLL, Bowling Green State Univ., Ohio, USA
Discussant: Harvey GOLDSTEIN, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Ecommerce Business: Important Factors for Success
Robert G. FLETCHER, Brenda J. MOSCOVE, and Johanna ALEXANDER, California State Univ., Bakersfield, USA
Discussant: Sylvette PUISSANT, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, Pessac, France

Paper Session 4C ~ (Room TBA)
Chair: David KRAYBILL, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA
Trade, Externalities of Industrial Pollution, and Economic Geography
Tohru NAITO, Kyushu Kyoritsu Univ., Japan
Discussant: Roger R. STOUGH, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Determinants of the Commodity Trade Structure of Central and Eastern European Countries
Thomas C. LOWINGER, Mudziviri NZIRAMASANGA, and Shidong ZHANG, Washington State Univ., Pullman, USA
Discussant: Geoffrey J. D. HEWINGS, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

Paper Session 4D ~ (Room TBA)
NE-162 / WRSA Joint Session: Market Area and Rural Economy Issues
Chair: Maureen KILKENNY, Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA
Diffusion of Telecommunication Services and Technology
Peter L. STENBERG, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington, D.C.
Discussant: Stephan GOETZ, Penn State Univ., State College, USA
On Rural Health Care Policy in Utah
Chris FAWSON, Utah State Univ., Logan, USA
Discussant: Judy STALLMAN, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, USA
Spatial Credit Market Segmentation
Maureen KILKENNY, Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA
Discussant: David BARKLEY, Clemson Univ., South Carolina, USA

Paper Session 4E ~ (Room TBA)
Tourism and Recreation
Chair: Lay James GIBSON, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
A Repeat-Purchase Intention Model for the Hotel Industry
Juanita C. LIU, Yangkwan KIL, and Daniel L. SPEARS, Univ. Hawai`i, Honolulu, USA
Discussant: Nina GRUEN, Gruen Gruen + Associates, San Francisco, USA
Agricultural and Recreational Impacts of the Conservation Reserve Program in Rural North Dakota
F. Larry LEISTRITZ, Dean A. BANGSUND, and Nancy M. HODUR, North Dakota State Univ., Fargo, USA
Discussant: Gerald A. DOEKSEN, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, USA
A Comparison of Two Snowmobile Tourist Segments and Their Economic Impacts in Wyoming
Chris T. BASTIAN, Roger H. COUPAL, David T. TAYLOR, and Chelsey MCMANUS, Univ. Wyoming, Laramie, USA
Discussant: Juanita C. LIU, Univ. Hawai’i, Honolulu, USA

Paper Session 4F ~ (Room TBA)
Business Microdata in Geographical Analyses: Challenges and Prospects
Chair: Stuart H. SWEENEY, Univ. California, Santa Barbara, USA
On the State of the Geography in the BLS Covered Wages and Employment (ES-202) Series
Edward FESER, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Stuart H. SWEENEY, Univ. California, Santa Barbara, USA
Discussant: Dan S. RICKMAN, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, USA
Working with Micro-Data: Exploring Geographies of Technological Change
David L. RIGBY, Univ. California, Los Angeles, USA
Discussant: R. Keith SCHWER, Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Stratified Thinning of Spatial Point Patterns: A Cautionary Tale of Inference on Spatially Censored Data
Stuart H. SWEENEY and Kevin J. KONTY, Univ. California, Santa Barbara, USA
Discussant: Young-sik KIM, San Diego State Univ., USA

Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 PM
President’s Reception
(Location TBA; For All Participants and Accompanying Persons)
Hosted by: Koichi MERA, Univ. Southern California, Los Angeles,
and 44th WRSA President (2003–2004)

Saturday, March 1, Morning
- 8:00 AM, Coffee Available (Mariposa Room)
- 8:15 AM – 12:15 PM, Registration Continues (Mariposa Room)
- 8:30 or 9:15 AM–12:00 Noon, Five Concurrent Sessions: 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E
- 10:00–10:30 AM, Coffee Break (La Fuente Courtyard; Weather Backup: Mariposa Room)

Paper Session 5A ~ (Room TBA)
Labor Migration
Chair: Jack W. OSMAN, San Francisco State Univ., USA
Self-Selection and the Performance of Return Migrants: The Case of Albania
Augustin DE COULON, London School of Economics, and Matloob PIRACHA, Univ. Kent, Canterbury, England
Discussant: Charles INGENE, Univ. Mississippi, Oxford, USA
The Economic Rewards to U.S. Employment for Return Migrants in Mexico
Steven S. ZAHNISER, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Michael J. GREENWOOD and Donald M. WALDMAN, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
Discussant: Matloob PIRACHA, Univ. Kent, Canterbury, England
Labour Market Integration in the Baltic Sea Region Before and After EU Enlargement
Elli HEIKKILÄ, Taru JÄRVINEN, Institute of Migration, Turku, Finland, Jörg NEUBAUER, and Lars Olof PERSSON, Nordregio, Stockholm, Sweden
Discussant: Rachel S. FRANKLIN, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., USA
Fluctuations in Aggregate U.S. Migration Flows and Regional Labor Market Flexibility
Mark D. PARTRIDGE, St. Cloud State Univ., Minnesota, and Dan S. RICKMAN, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, USA
Discussant: James RAYMER, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA

Paper Session 5B ~ (Room TBA)
Remote Regions I: Northern Institutions
Chair: Lee HUSKEY, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Implementing First Nations Self-Government in the Yukon: Lessons for Canada
Gurston DACKS, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Discussant: Greg PROTASEL, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Willy-Nilly Zilly? How the Court Rules the Oceans (and the Steller Sea Lions)
Jerry MCBEATH, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Joanna KAFAROWSKI, Univ. Northern British Columbia, Prince George, Canada
Community Vulnerability, Institutional Resilience, and Regional Sustainability in the Arctic
Matt BERMAN, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, Gary KOFINAS, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, and Craig NICHOLSON, Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Discussant: Lee HUSKEY, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Rural/Non-Rural Determination for Federal Subsistence Management in Alaska
Vic FISCHER, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Discussant: Claus M. NASKE, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

Paper Session 5C ~ (Room TBA)
Urban Growth, Agglomeration, and Government Fragmentation
Chair: Adrian X. ESPARZA, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Urban, Suburban, and Exurban Sprawl in the Rocky Mountain West: Evidence from Regional Adjustment Models
John I. CARRUTHERS, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, and Alexander VIAS, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, USA
Discussant: Michael LUGER, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Gentrification and Growth Management in Seattle, 1990–2000
Richard MORRILL, Univ. Washington, Seattle, USA
Discussant: Gordon F. MULLIGAN, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Population Spillovers, Local Growth Controls, and Political Fragmentation: Evidence from U.S. Cities
Pillsung BYUN and Adrian X. ESPARZA, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Hikaru OGAWA, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Pricing and Eminent Domain Takings: A Case Study of Residential Property in Las Vegas, Nevada
William KUHN and R. Keith SCHWER, Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Discussant: Steve WEINER, Southern California Assoc. of Governments, Los Angeles, USA

Paper Session 5D ~ (Room TBA)
Technological Change and Industrial Location
Chair: Jack C. STABLER, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
Spatial Clusters of ICT-Industries
Börje JOHANSSON, Jönköping Univ., Sweden
Discussant: Paul POLZIN, Univ. Montana, Missoula, USA
Regional Industrial Clusters in California: An Application of Consensus Clustering
Sergio J. REY, Daniel J. MATTHEIS, and Young-sik KIM, San Diego State Univ., USA
Discussant: Joseph MCCLURE, McClure Consulting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Explaining the Spatial Shift in U.S. Manufacturing
John FRANCIS, Auburn Univ., Montgomery, USA
Discussant: Michael C. CARROLL, Bowling Green State Univ., Ohio, USA

Paper Session 5E ~ (Room TBA)
Externalities and Environmental Issues
Chair: L. Michael FARRELL, Univ. Québec, Trois-Rivières, Canada
Locations of NIMBY Facilities When Two Adjacent Communities Decide Independently
Asao ANDO, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Discussant: Tohru NAITO, Kyushu Kyoritsu Univ., Japan
Scenery for Rent: The Unanticipated Loss of Amenities on the Urban Fringe
Daniel E. OSGOOD, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Thomas GUNTON, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Risk Perception, Ambiguity, and Nuclear Waste Transport
Mary RIDDEL, Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Discussant: Henk FOLMER, Wageningen Univ., The Netherlands

Saturday, March 1, Afternoon
- 12:00–1:30 PM, Lunch (On your own this day)
- 1:30–5:00 PM, Five Concurrent Sessions: 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E
- 3:00–3:30 PM, Coffee Break (La Fuente Courtyard; Weather Backup: Mariposa Room)
- 5:00 PM, Conference ends

Panel Session 6A ~ (Room TBA)
Western States’ Economic Outlook (Cosponsored by AUBER)
Chair: Timothy D. HOGAN, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, USA
Marshall J. VEST, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Esmael ADIBI, Chapman Univ., Orange, California, USA
Richard WOBBEKIND, Univ. Colorado, Boulder, USA
Paul POLZIN, Univ. Montana, Missoula, USA
R. Keith SCHWER, Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
New Mexico
Lee REYNIS, Univ. New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
Jan CRISPIN-LITTLE, Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
R. Pete PARCELLS, Whitman College, Walla Walla, and Hart HODGES, Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, USA

Paper Session 6B ~ (Room TBA)
Housing Market Analyses
Chair: Sergey S. RABOTYAGOV, Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA
Price Discovery in Time and Space: The Course of Condominium Prices in Singapore
Min HWANG and John M. QUIGLEY, Univ. California, Berkeley, USA
Discussant: Raymond J.G.M. FLORAX, Free Univ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Modeling Spatial Variation in Housing Prices: A Variable Interaction Approach
Timothy J. FIK, David C. LING, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, and Gordon F. MULLIGAN, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Clifford A. LIPSCOMB, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA
The Neighborhood Effects of Hog Lot Concentration in Size and Space
Sergey S. RABOTYAGOV and Maureen KILKENNY, Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA
Discussant: Daniel E. OSGOOD, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
The Vickrey Auction Motivation of a Spatial Hedonics Model That Identifies Neighborhood Effects
Clifford A. LIPSCOMB, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Discussant: John I. CARRUTHERS, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA

Paper Session 6C ~ (Room TBA)
Remote Regions II: Development in the North
Chair: Jennifer MCBEATH, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Gender Equality and Natural Resources in the Canadian North: Fostering Sustainable Development through Leadership
Joanna KAFAROWSKI, Univ. Northern British Columbia, Prince George, Canada
Discussant: Matt BERMAN, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, USA
The Road Is Long: Lessons of Alaska Economic History
Terrence COLE, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Vic FISCHER, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, USA
William Spratling and the Eskimo Silversmiths
Claus M. NASKE, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Gurston DACKS, Univ. Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Commons Problems in the Owner State
Greg PROTASEL and Lee HUSKEY, Univ. Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Discussant: Jerry MCBEATH, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

Paper Session 6D ~ (Room TBA)
Natural Resources and Green Industry
Chair: Henk FOLMER, Wageningen Univ., The Netherlands
On the Adequacy of Private Rights to Public Resources: A Study of Canadian Salmon Farm Tenures
Richard SCHWINDT, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Discussant: Mary RIDDELL, Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Resource Rent and Public Policy: An Analysis of Rent in the Canadian Coal Industry
Thomas GUNTON, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Discussant: Gary N. TOMPKINS, Univ. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Assessing the Economic Contributions of Colorado’s Green Industry: Empirical Issues and Challenges
Dawn THILMANY, Phil WATSON, and Steve DAVIES, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, USA
Discussant: Vera BITSCH, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA
Risk Aspects of Human Resources Management in Michigan: The Case of the Green Industries
Vera BITSCH and Stephen B. HARSH, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA
Discussant: F. Larry LEISTRITZ, North Dakota State Univ., Fargo, USA

Paper Session 6E ~ (Room TBA)
Public Finance
Chair: Steve WEINER, Southern California Assoc. of Goverments, Los Angeles, USA
The Effectiveness of State Business Tax Incentive Programs: The Case of North Carolina
Michael I. LUGER and Suho BAE, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Discussant: Terry Clower, Univ. North Texas, Denton, USA
Appraisal for Tax Purposes
L. Michael FARRELL, Univ. Québec, Trois-Rivières, Canada
Discussant: Adrian X. ESPARZA, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA
Fiscal Externality, Rent Sharing, and Equalization Transfers in Japan
Hikaru OGAWA, Univ. Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Discussant: Jean H.P. PAELINCK, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Allocative Efficiency Benefits of a Single Public Road Insurance and Risk Management Agency: The ICBC Example
Richard SCHWINDT, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, and Tim McDANIELS, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Discussant: Jack C. STABLER, Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E on Thursday Morning, February 27
2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F on Thursday Afternoon, February 27
3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F on Friday Morning, February 28
4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F on Friday Afternoon, February 28
5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E on Saturday Morning, March 1
6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E on Saturday Afternoon, March1
FT = Field Trip on Wednesday, February 26
NE = NE-162 Business Meeting on Wednesday, February 26
WB = WRSA Board Meeting on Thursday, February 27
AL = Annual Banquet Luncheon on Friday, February 28
Roman typeface (regular font) indicates Paper Presentations; Boldface indicates Chair assignments; Italics indicate Discussant assignments.
Click here to jump to a last name:
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / V / W / Y / Z
Adibi, E. (6A) adibi@chapman.edu
Alexander, J. (4B)
Amato, A. (2F)
Ando, A. (1B, 5E) ando@mail.cc.tohoku.ac.jp
Bae, S. (6E)
Balderas, J. U. (1A, 3E) balderaj@colorado.edu
Bangsund, D. A. (4E)
Barkley, D. (2A, 4D) dbrkly@clemson.edu
Bastian, C. T. (4E)
Basu, A. (2C)
Baum, S. (1E, 2F) s.baum@uq.edu.au
Berman, M. (5B, 6C) auiser@uaa.alaska.edu
Bitsch, V. (6D, 6D) bitsch@msu.edu
Boekema, F. (1E, 2D)
Bolton, R. E. (1A, AL, 4A) roger.e.bolton@williams.edu
Byun, P. (5C) xfilesphil@hotmail.com
Cahill, M. (3E, 3E) cahillm@email.arizona.edu
Cañas, J. (1A, 2B) jesus.canas@dal.frb.org
Carroll, M. C. (4B, 5D) mcarrol@bgnet.bgsu.edu
Carruthers, J. I. (2B, 5C, 6B) jcarruth@u.arizona.edu
Chakravorty, S. (3E)
Clark, W. A. V. (2E) wclark@geog.ucla.edu
Clower, T. L. (2C, 3C, 6E) tclower@scs.cmm.unt.edu
Cole, T. (6C) fftmc@uaf.edu
Cooke, S. (2A)
Coronado, R. (2B, 3E) roberto.coronado@dal.frb.org
Coupal, R. H. (4E) coupal@uwyo.edu
Crispin-Little, J. (6A) bebrjec@business.utah.edu
Dacks, G. (5B, 6C) gurston.dacks@ualberta.ca
Dall’erba, S. (1D, 2B) dallerba@uiuc.edu
Davies, S. (6D)
De Coulon, (5A)
Deller, S. (2A)
Deskins, D. R. (2F) ddeskins@umich.edu
Detweiler, R. (FT)
Doeksen, G. A. (2F, 4E) tannetf@okstate.edu
Donelson, A. (1A, 3A) angie_donelson@hotmail.com
Drabenstott, M. (1D, 2F) mark.drabenstott@kc.frb.org
Dridi, C. (1B) cdridi@uiuc.edu
Esparza, A. X. (3A, 5C, 5C, 6E) axe@u.arizona.edu
Farrell, L. M. (5E, 6E) michael_farrell@uqtr.ca
Fawson, C. (4D) cfawson@econ.usu.edu
Feser, E. (1E, 4F) feser@email.unc.edu
Fik, T. J. (6B)
Fischer, V. (5B, 6C) afvf@uaa.alaska.edu
Fletcher, R. G. (4B) rfletcher@csub.edu
Florax, R. J. G. M. (2B, 6B) rflorax@feweb.vu.nl
Folmer, H. (1D, 5E, 6D) henk.folmer@wur.nl
Formaini, R. (3C, 3C, 4A) bob.formaini@dal.frb.org
Francis, J. (3A, 5D) jfrancis@monk.aum.edu
Franklin, R. (3B, 5A) rachel.s.franklin@census.gov
Frenkel, A. (1E)
Gene, I. (1D)
Getis, A. (3B) arthur.getis@sdsu.edu
Gibson, L. J. (FT, WB, 4E) ljgibson@ag.arizona.edu
Glavac, S. M. (2E, 3B) sglavac@usgs.gov
Goetz, S. (2A, 4D)
Goldstein, H. A. (1E, 4B) hgold@email.unc.edu
Greenwood, M. J. (5A) michael.greenwood@colorado.edu
Gruen, C. (3D) cgruen@ggassoc.com
Gruen, N. (4E) ngruen@ggassoc.com
Gunton, T. (5E, 6D) tgunton@shaw.ca
Guo, D. (1B, 2D) dguo@uiuc.edu
Gute, D. (2F)
Harsh, S. B. (6D)
Hauser, E. (2C, 3D) ehauser@uncc.edu
Haynes, K. E. khaynes@gmu.edu
Heikkilä, E. (5A)
Heijman, W. (1D)
Hewings, G. J. D. (WB, 3D, 4C) hewings@uiuc.edu
Hodges, H. (6A) hart.hodges@wwu.edu
Hodur, N. M. (3E)
Hogan, T. D. (1C, WB, 6A) tim.hogan@asu.edu
Holl, A. (1D, 2D, 4B) a.holl@sheffield.ac.uk
Holland, D. (1B, 2A, WB) holland@wsu.edu
Hoogstra, G. J. (2B) g.j.hoogstra@frw.rug.nl
Horwitz, J. (2F)
Huang, H-J. (1B)
Huang, Y. (2E)
Huskey, L (WB, 5B, 5B, 6C) aflh@uaa.alaska.edu
Ingene, C. (2C, 5A) cingene@bus.olemiss.edu
Jang, S. (3D)
Järvinen, T. (5A)
Johansson, B. (1A, 5D) borje.johansson@ihh.hj.se
Johansson, M. (1C, 3B) mats.johansson@itps.se
Jordan, L. (3B) lisa.anselmi@colorado.edu
Kafarowski, J. (6C) gypsy_four@hotmail.com
Karlsson, C. (1E, 4B) charlie.karlsson@ihh.hj.se
Kil, Y. (4E)
Kilkenny, M. (2A, 4D, 4D, 6B) kilkenny@iastate.edu
Kim, T. J. (2C, WB, 3D) t-kim7@uiuc.edu
Kim, Y. (4F, 5D)
Kirshen, P. (2F)
Kofinas, G. (5B)
Konty, K. J. (4F)
Kraybill, D. (4C) kraybill.1@osu.edu
Kuhn, W. (5C)
Lacour, P. R. (3D, 4A) lacour@montesquieu.u-bordeaux.fr
Lee, J. S. (3D)
Lee, S. (2E, 3E) seonglee@snu.ac.kr
Leistritz, F. L. (4E, 6D) lleistri@ndsuext.nodak.edu
Ling, D. C. (6B)
Lipscomb, C. A. (6B, 6B) clifflipscomb@hotmail.com
Liu, J. C. (WB, 4E, 4E) juani@hawaii.rr.com
Lopes, E. (1D, 2D) elopes@eeg.uminho.pt
Lowinger, T. C. (2C, 4C)
Luger, M. I. (5C, 6E) michael_luger@kenan-flagler.unc.edu
Lundqvist, L. (1D, 2C) lars@infra.kth.se
Magliano, N. (2F)
Mattheis, D. J. (5D)
Mattson, M. (3E)
Mazumdar, T. (2C)
McBeath, Jennifer (6C) ffjam@uaf.edu
McBeath, Jerry (5B, 6C) ffjam@uaf.edu
McChesney, R. (1C, 2E) mcchesney.11@osu.edu
McClure, J. E. (4B, 5D) jmcclure@jemcclure.com
McDaniels, T. (6E)
McManus, C. (4E)
Mellander, C. (4B)
Mera, K. (WB, AL) mera@usc.edu
Miller, J. R. (1D, 2B) jrmecon@uidaho.edu
Molin, A. (1C, 2E) andreasmolin@earthlink.net
Mora, R. (1D) ricmora@elrond.uc3m.es
Morrill, R. (5C) morrill@u.washington.edu
Moscove, B. J. (WB, 4B) brenda_moscove@firstclass1.csubak.edu
Mulligan, G. F. (5C, 6B) mulligan@email.arizona.edu
Naito, T. (4C, 5E) naito@kyukyo-u.ac.jp
Naske, C. M. (5B, 6C) ffcmn@aurora.uaf.edu
Nazara, S. (2D) nazara@uiuc.edu
Neubauer, J. (5A)
Nicholson, C. (5B)
Nziramasanga, M. (4C)
Ogawa, H. (5C, 6E) hikaruogawa@aol.com
Orrenious, P. M. (3E)
Osgood, D. E. (5E, 6B) deo@minu.arec.arizona.edu
Osman, J. W. (WB, 5A) josman@sfsu.edu
Paelinck, J. H. P. (1B, WB, 3D, 6E) j.paelinck@wxs.nl
Parcells, R. P. (2F, 3D) pete@rpete.com
Partridge, M. D. (5A)
Paulsson, T. (4B)
Pavlakovich-Kochi, V. (1A, 3A) vkp@email.arizona.edu
Perry, M. (1C, 3B) marc.j.perry@census.gov
Persson, L. O. (1C, 5A) larsolof.persson@nordregio.se
Phillips, K. R. (1A)
Piracha, M. (5A, 5A) m.e.piracha@ukc.ac.uk
Pitfield, D. (2C)
Plane, D. A. (WB, 3B) plane@u.arizona.edu
Polzin, (1D, 5D, 6A) paul.polzin@business.umt.edu
Power, T. M. (2A) tom.power@mso.umt.edu
Protasel, G. (5B, 6C) afgjp@uaa.alaska.edu
Puissant, I. S. (3D, 4B) puissant@montesquieu.u-bordeaux.fr
Quadrado, L. (1D)
Quigley, J. M. (2C, AL, 6B) quigley@econ.berkeley.edu
Rabotyagov, S. S. (6B, 6B) rabotyag@iastate.edu
Ratcliffe, J. (3E)
Ratcliffe, M. R. (2E, 2E, 3A) michael.r.ratcliffe@census.gov
Raymer, J. (3B, 5A) raymer@mail.colorado.edu
Remington, A. (3D)
Renault, C. S. (1E)
Rengert, G. F. (2C, 3E) grengert@temple.edu
Renkow, M. (2A) mitch_renkow@ncsu.edu
Rey, S. J. (1B, 5D) serge@rohan.sdsu.edu
Reynis, L. (6A) lreynis@unm.edu
Rickman, D. S. (4F, 5A) rdan@okstate.edu
Riddell, M. (5E, 6D) mriddel@nevada.edu
Riefler, R. F. (1D, 2B) rriefler@unlnotes.unl.edu
Rigby, D. L. (4F) rigby@geog.ucla.edu
Robson, A. (4A, 4A) s341126@student.uq.edu.au
Rogers, A. (3B, 3B) andrei.rogers@colorado.edu
Roy, J. R. (1B, 2D) johnmall@bigpond.com
Ruth, M. (2F, 2F) mr217@umail.umd.edu
Rutten, R. (1E) r.p.j.h.rutten@uvt.nl
Sato, K. (2C, 3D) kojisato@cc.kanagawa-u.ac.jp
Schwer, R. K. (4F, 5C, 6A) schwer@nevada.edu
Schwindt, R. (1E, 6D, 6E) schwindt@sfu.ca
Sheaff, K. (2F)
Shefer, D. (1E) shefer@technion.ac.il
Shen, T. (2E)
Siems, T. (3C)
Silvers, A. L. (3A, 4A) asilvers@bpa.arizona.edu
Sohn, J. (3D)
Sommers, L. M. (1A, 3E) sommersl@msu.edu
Song, J. (1A, 2F) zuckerma@email.unc.edu
Spears, D. L. (4E)
Stabler, J. (5C, 6E) jcs130@shaw.ca
Stallmann, J. (NE, 4D) stallmannj@missouri.edu
Stenberg, P. L. (4D) stenberg@ers.usda.gov
Stimson, R. (1E, WB) rstimson@uq.edu.au
Stough, R. R. (WB, AL)
Strom, R. (1E) rstrom@emkf.org
Sweeney, S. H. (3B, 4F, 4F) sweeney@geog.ucsb.edu
Taylor, D. T. (4E) ttaylor@uwyo.edu
Thilmany, D. (2A, 3A, 6D) thilmany@lamar.colostate.edu
Tompkins, G. N. (6D) gary.tompkins@uregina.ca
van Dijk, J. (2B)
Vencill, C. D. (3E, 3E) dvencill@sfsu.edu
Vest, M. J. (6A) mvest@eller.arizona.edu
Vias, A. (5C)
Waldman, D. M. (5A)
Waldorf, B. (1A, 2C, 3A) bwaldorf@u.arizona.edu
Watson, P. (6D)
Weber, B. (2A) bruce.weber@oregonstate.edu
Weeks, J. R. (3B)
Weiner, S. (5C, 6E)
Weinstein, B. L. (2C, 2C) budw@scs.cmm.unt.edu
Westlund, H. (1E, 4A) hans.westlund@itps.se
Whittington, D. (1A, 2F, 3D) dwhittin@email.unc.edu
Wobbekind, R. (2F, 6A) richard.wobbekind@colorado.edu
Yang, K. (2E)
Yang, X. (3B)
Yerra, B. M. (3D) yerr0005@tc.umn.edu
Yigitcanlar, T. (1E)
Zahniser, S. S. (5A)
Zhang, S. (4C)