WRSA Hawaii: Another Great Meeting Comes to an End

Our 55th annual meeting was all we could hope for: great sessions, warm and sunny weather, and excellent company. The final printed version of the meeting program can be found here.

Check back soon for meeting photos and, of course, preliminary information on next year’s conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

WRSA Hawaii: We’re Getting Closer to Final!

We’re close enough to our 55th annual meeting (February 14-17, 2016) to start checking the weather regularly…and, indeed, it looks like we can expect some pleasant tropical weather while we’re there!

The preliminary meeting program has been updated to version 2.0. Please, if you haven’t done so already, be sure to check your assignments and let us know if there are any errors to be corrected. Also, be sure to check back frequently for changes: unfortunately they will occur!

Papers are due to be sent out to discussants and session chairs in a week or so. Please do update your paper now if necessary.

Hawaii Preliminary Meeting Program Posted!

Version 1 of our preliminary meeting program for the Hawaii conference is now available here!

This means that NOW is the time for hotel reservations and meeting preregistration. Information on both can be found under the appropriate annual meeting links on our website.

WRSA Paper Submission Deadline Extended!

The paper submission deadline for our 55th annual meeting on the Big Island of Hawaii, February 14-17, 2016, is extended to November 16, 2015. That day will be our hard deadline for papers, to allow time for manuscript review and preliminary program preparation. If your paper is ready to submit, please do go ahead and upload it. However, for those in need of the extra time to get their papers polished (or completed), we’re happy to be able to offer a few weeks of extra breathing room.

With regard to travel arrangements for the meeting, keep in mind that Hawaii in the winter is attractive to more than just regional scientists! Those booking on the earlier side will likely find better airfares and will have a greater choice of room types from our negotiated room block (this is especially true for those extending their stays beyond the dates of the meeting). See Hotel Information for room reservation instructions.

Extra, Extra, Read All About It: WRSA Spring/Summer Newsletter Posted!

The 2015 Spring/Summer Newsletter is newly posted and is chock full of preliminary meeting information for our 55th Annual Meeting, to be held at the Hilton Waikoloa on the Big Island of Hawaii, February 14-17, 2016. Wondering  how to book your room? Submit a paper? It’s all in the Newsletter!

This issue of the Newsletter also gives a recap of this year’s annual meeting in Tucson (including pictures!) and includes information for both the Tiebout and the Ben Steven’s Fellowship graduate student competitions. Read on!

WRSA 2016: The Way Academic Life Should Be (Especially in February)

Our 55th annual meeting will be held February 14-17, 2016 at the Hilton Waikoloa Village on the Big Island of Hawai’i. Additional meeting details will be posted here in the weeks to come. In the meantime, two valuable pieces of information:

1. Room reservations at the Hilton Waikoloa Village can now be booked using this link: http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/groups/personalized/K/KOAHWHH-WRS-20160214/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG. Room rates start at $205 per night (plus applicable taxes) and include guest room internet, complimentary self-parking, and fitness center access.

2. For inclusion in the meeting program, full papers should be submitted to the WRSA portal by October 15, 2015. Details are available under the annual meeting tab here on our website.

We look forward to seeing you on the Big Island!

WRSA 2016: The Big Island of Hawaii!

It’s never too soon to start planning! In February 2016 the WRSA will return to the Hilton Waikoloa Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii for its 55th Annual Meeting. Our meeting dates are February 14-17 and our negotiated nightly room rate at the resort, not including applicable taxes, is $205 (resort view), $260 (ocean view), or $280 (deluxe ocean view). All rates will be applicable three nights before and after our official meeting dates, subject to hotel availability. Room rates also include parking, room internet, and fitness center. This is a great opportunity to mix work and play; be sure to book early!

Additional meeting information will be available over the next couple of months. Keep in mind the October 15 paper submission deadline date. And remember that full papers (draft format acceptable for initial submission) are required. No abstracts!

We look forward to seeing you on the Big Island next February!