Extended Paper (or Abstract) Submission Due Date for 2020 WRSA/PRSCO Joint Meeting is Approaching!

This is a reminder for submitting your paper before the extended paper submission deadline for our annual meeting in Waikiki, Hawaii, March 18-21, 2020.
The extended due is Dec 15th, just 6 days away.
Be sure to get your paper (or abstract) submitted before then!

Ready to submit? There’s no reason to wait until the last minute. Simply visit the WRSA website and use the Login/Register link at the left to upload your paper and register for the meeting.

Remember that the hard deadline for the Graduate Students’ Paper Competition for Tiebout Prize is still November 15. If you are applying for Tiebout Paper Competition, submit your full paper by Nov 15.

I also encourage you to make your travel arrangements early. We will be meeting at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort, where our negotiated room rate is $229/night (plus taxes). Reservations can be made via this link or by calling 808-949-4321and asking for the Western Regional Science Association group rate. The hotel has agreed to honor our special room rate three days prior to and following our meeting dates (Mar 18th through Mar 21st), based on availability. 
Please note: after January 21, 2020, or as soon as our room block is full, the hotel will no longer honor our special room rate! Be sure to book early!

I’m also still looking for several students to assist with meeting registration in Hawaii. In exchange for 8-10 hours of volunteering at the registration desk, students will receive a complete rebate of their preregistration fees (worth $150, to be processed as a refund following the meeting). Contact me if you’re interested.