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WRSA Enters the 21st Century…with Twitter

Looking for other ways to stay in touch with WRSA updates?  You can now follow us on Twitter with the username @WRSAnews. This is in addition to our existing, and popular, Facebook page, which can be found at

Call for Participation: Spatial Econometrics Advanced Institute (SEAI13)

The 6th edition of the Spatial Econometrics Advanced Institute (SEAI13), a summer school program organized yearly by the The Spatial Econometrics Association, will take place in Rome in the splendid new location of the Catholic University Campus near San Peter basilica. (

The instructors of this year’s edition are: Jean Paelinck and Giuseppe Arbia (week 1), Anil Bera (week 2), Ingmar Prucha (week 3), Badi Baltagi (week 4). The computer lab sessions on the software language R will be lead by Gianfranco Piras, Diego Giuliani and Giovanni Millo.

Here below please find the deadlines and timetable:

March 20th, 2013 – Deadline for formal applications

March 25th, 2013 – Notification of acceptance

April 15th, 2013 – Deadline for the first half of the payment

May  10th 2013 – Deadline for final payments

May 13th- June 7th, 2013 – Courses

June 8th 2013 – Final exam (optional)

All details may be found at the web page:

Send the applications forms to :

Annual Meeting Update

January 25 is the deadline for preregistering for the upcoming annual meeting in Santa Barbara.  After the 25th, fees go up to $395 ($195 for students).  Make haste to apply!  Instructions can be found here.  Also, Version 2.0 of the preliminary meeting program has just been posted.  Please get in touch with any errors you may find!

Call for Papers: 23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI)

The Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) and Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) invite regional scientists and researchers of relevant disciplines to submit abstracts to be presented at the 23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the 4th IRSA Institute. The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran and to be held in Bandung, Indonesia, 2-4 July 2013.

Topics of the abstracts may include regional development issues in Asia and The Pacific, financing regional development, global crisis and recovery, trade and regional integration, infrastructure and social capital, industrial development, regional labor market dynamics, inter-regional disparity, city planning, climate change, green growth and sustainable development, disaster management, methods and models in regional sciences, transports and connectivity, and new perspectives of regional science.

The abstract (max 1,000 words) must include the motivation for this research, the research questions, the methodology used and the research findings. Abstracts submission is now open. Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through the online platform via congress website at

The deadline for abstract submissions is 28 February 2013. Those whose abstracts accepted should submit their full papers and register to attend the conference by 30 April, 2013 in order for their paper to be included in the final program.

The conference will be attended by more than 300 participants from Pacific region and beyond, in their capacities as researchers, professionals, policy makers, as well as international organization representatives.

Surrounded by fresh mountainous region, Bandung, Indonesia, has been the top destination in the region since the colonial era. Known to the world as the host of the 1955 Asian African Conference, and full of cultural heritages including its art-deco architecture, Bandung has been long well known also as the Paris van Java. Your visit will also be a memorable one.

We look forward to seeing you in Bandung, Indonesia.

Santa Barbara Preliminary Meeting Program Posted!

The preliminary program has been posted for the 52nd annual meeting of the WRSA, to be held February 24-27, 2013 – just click the tab for “Annual Meeting” above and look for the link on the left.

Program Participants:  Please check your session assignments and let me know if you spot any errors.  Due to the fullness of the Program we consider the Program final with respect to the scheduling of assignments.  The Program Committee attempted to honor all scheduling requests received.

For those still undecided about attending the conference:  There’s still time to make your plans (and even find a place on the program as a chair or discussant)!

If you’ve not already done so, now is the time to preregister for the meeting – rates go up after January 25!  And don’t forget to book your hotel room: after February 12, the hotel is no longer obligated to honor our specially-negotiated conference rate!

Paper Submission Deadline for Santa Barbara Extended!

In light of ongoing demand, the deadline for paper submissions for the 2013 annual meeting in Santa Barbara is extended until Friday, November 16.  After that date, we will no longer accept papers.

On the fence about attending the meeting?  Check out preliminary meeting details under the “Annual Meeting” tab.  Along with the usual 45-minute paper slots, receptions, plenaries, and luncheon, we’re pleased to announce the inaugural Getis-Ord Lecture in Spatial Analysis, to be given by Keith Ord.  Come help us celebrate the birth of a new WRSA tradition!

Fall 2012 Newsletter Now Posted!

WRSA’s Fall Newsletter shipped last week and should now be arriving in members’ mailboxes!  An electronic version is also posted under the “Newsletter” tab…check it out for the latest scoop on the 2013 annual meeting in Santa Barbara.  And don’t forget: the deadline for paper submissions for the 2013 meeting is October 15!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! – Spring/Summer 2012 Newsletter Now Available!

WRSA’s Spring/Summer 2012 Newsletter is chock full of preliminary information for the 2013 annual meeting and also includes updates and photos from our 51st meeting, held in February on Kauai, Hawaii.  In addition, this issue of the Newsletter features articles memorializing Charlie Leven.

Current WRSA members should already have received their paper copies of the Newsletter and a digital file is available under the “Newsletters” tab of the WRSA website.  Contributions for the Fall Newsletter should be sent to the attention of Rachel Franklin, WRSA Executive Director.

Time to start thinking about WRSA 2013!

WRSA’s 52nd Annual Meeting will be held at Fess Parker’s Doubletree Resort in Santa Barbara, California, from February 24 – 27, 2013. Santa Barbara lies about ninety miles north of Los Angeles and is perfectly situated for visiting wine country, relaxing along the beach, history-related sightseeing…and, of course, academic discourse. For this meeting, we have negotiated a really excellent room rate of $185 (single or double, plus applicable taxes) per night.

Mark the dates on your calendar and remember WRSA’s traditional October 15 paper submission deadline. Note that next year’s meeting will be on a “Sunday – Wednesday” schedule, with the 3rd Annual Jay James Gibson Opening Plenary and a welcoming reception scheduled for Sunday afternoon, and three full days of sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Further details will be forthcoming over the next several months – stay tuned! We hope to see you there!

Andrew Cassey Wins Springer Prize!

At the recent WRSA annual meeting in Kauai, Hawaii, Andrew Cassey of Washington State University was awarded the Springer Prize for his paper (coauthored with Katherine Schmeiser), The Agglomeration of Exporters by Destination.