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Preliminary Meeting Program for Tucson Posted!

The preliminary meeting program for our 54th annual meeting in Tucson (February 15-18, 2015) is now available here. Still on the fence about coming to Tucson? We can easily find room for you on the program as a paper discussant or session chair!

Now is the time to preregister for the meeting and to make your hotel reservation, if you have not already done so! Full details on both are available here on our website.

Paper Submission Deadline Extended for Tucson Meeting!

The WRSA traditional October 15 paper submission deadline has come and gone. In its place is the traditional WRSA paper submission deadline extension. Although we very much prefer to receive papers early, we will continue to accept submissions until Friday, November 21. Submit your papers here.

Additional meeting information can be found using the page links on the left.

Questions? Feel free to contact WRSA executive director, Rachel Franklin.

WRSA Spring/Summer 2014 Newsletter Posted

A digital version of the Spring/Summer WRSA Newsletter, which shipped to current members in June, is now available! Along with a rundown on our 53rd annual meeting in February in San Diego, the Newsletter is full of preliminary information for the 2015 meeting, which will be held in Tucson, Arizona, February 15-18.

The Fall 2014 Newsletter will be heading to member mailboxes in the next couple of weeks. Join or renew your membership now to get yours!

Call for Papers: WRSA’s 54th Annual Meeting

Welcome to the new and improved WRSA website! Starting this year, all conference paper submission and registration will happen via the new site — and both are now being accepted! To get started you will need to create a new account in the system. You should only need to do this one time. Once you’ve created your new account, use the appropriate page links to register for the meeting, renew a membership, or submit your conference paper.

WRSA to Meet in Tucson, Arizona in February 2015

WRSA’s 54th annual meeting will be held February 15–18, 2015 at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, up in the foothills of the Catalina mountains. For next year’s meeting we’ve negotiated a room rate of $189/night (plus taxes), which includes complimentary parking, spa access, and room internet. As always, keep in mind the October 15 deadline for paper submissions. It’s never too early to start planning for next year’s meeting!  Further details will be forthcoming in the Spring/Summer 2014 WRSA Newsletter.

San Diego: Final Program Posted

The final program has been posted for the upcoming 53rd annual WRSA meeting, to be held this coming week in San Diego, California.  A pdf version of the program can be found under the Annual Meeting tab.  Be sure to check on site for the inevitable late paper cancellations.

Preliminary Meeting Program Posted for San Diego!

The preliminary program has been posted for WRSA’s 53rd annual meeting, to be held February 16-19, 2014.  To find it, click the tab for “Annual Meeting” above and look for the link on the left.

Program Participants:  Please check your session assignments and let me know if you spot any errors.  Due to the fullness of the Program we consider the Program final with respect to the scheduling of assignments.  The Program Committee attempted to honor all scheduling requests received.

For those still undecided about attending the conference:  There’s still time to make your plans (and even find a place on the program as a chair or discussant)!

If you’ve not already done so, now is the time to preregister for the meeting – rates go up after January 15!  And don’t forget to book your hotel room: after January 15, the hotel is no longer obligated to honor our specially-negotiated conference rate!

WRSA Spring/Summer 2013 Newsletter Now Available Online!

The Spring/Summer Newsletter was sent out to all current WRSA members in early June; let us know if you haven’t received yours yet!  An electronic version is now posted under the “Newsletter” tab.  It contains the full scoop on the 2014 annual meeting, to be held in (usually) sunny San Diego.  Don’t forget: the deadline for paper submissions for the 2014 meeting is October 15!