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Final Meeting Program for Santa Fe!

Here is the final meeting program for our 56th Annual Meeting in Santa Fe. Naturally, some further changes will occur: see the registration desk in Santa Fe for late-breaking cancellations. Caveat lector!

WRSA Santa Fe: Preliminary Meeting Program!

The UPDATED (current as of Feb. 1) preliminary program for our upcoming conference in Santa Fe is now available here.

This means the time to register for the meeting and book your hotel room is NOW. Full details are available on the website!

Last Call for Paper Submissions for WRSA Santa Fe Meeting!

Today, November 18, is the final day for submitting papers (draft format at this stage is fine) for our 56th annual meeting, to be held February 15-18, 2017 at the La Fonda on the Plaza in sublime Santa Fe, New Mexico. See Annual Meeting tab above for full details on submitting papers, registering for the meeting, and reserving your hotel room!

Hope to see you in Santa Fe!

NARSC 2016 Hewings Award Goes to WRSA Board Member, Daoqin Tong!

Daoqin Tong, one of WRSA’s new Board members, received the 2016 Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Award in Minneapolis at the 63rd Annual North American Meetings of the RSAI. The Award “recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies.”


WRSA Past President Recognized at North American Meetings of the RSAI in Minneapolis

Serge Rey, 55th President of the WRSA, was recognized as an RSAI Fellow at last week’s 63rd Annual North American Meetings of the RSAI (NARSC). Fellows of the RSAI are “distinguished scholars with a proven and recognized research record in the field of regional science during a considerable part of their scientific career…The RSAI fellowship is a world-wide sign of scientific recognition that is bestowed on a regional scientist with outstanding research credentials in his/her field.”


Paper Submission Deadline Extended to November 18 for Santa Fe Annual Meeting!

As in past years, we are extending the WRSA paper submission deadline for this year’s meeting, our 56th, in Santa Fe, New Mexico (February 15-18, 2017). The final deadline will be November 18, 2016.

Papers can be submitted using the “Login/Register” link to the left. Complete meeting information, including hotel reservation information, is available via the “Annual Meeting” tab above.

WRSA 2017 in Santa Fe: Paper Submission Deadlines Approaching!

October 15, 2016 is the final, hard deadline for papers submissions for the 31st Annual Tiebout Prize in Regional Science! All current or recently-graduated students wishing to have their paper considered for the Prize must upload their papers to the WRSA website by this date!

For all other meeting participants, there will be the traditional extension of the October 15 cutoff. All papers for regular sessions should be submitted by November 18, 2016 at the latest!

WRSA Spring/Summer Newsletter: Santa Fe Meeting Information + Other Awesome Updates

The WRSA Spring/Summer Newsletter, which shipped to current members in early summer, is now available here in electronic format. Chock full of all the preliminary information you need to plan your Santa Fe 2017 annual meeting travel! The Newsletter also includes a rundown on our successful Hawaii meeting earlier this year, along with other association news and updates. Enjoy!

WRSA 2017: Stunning Santa Fe, New Mexico

Some locations are so nice you can’t visit them only once. Thus it is that the WRSA returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the La Fonda hotel for its 56th annual meeting in early 2017. Meeting dates for next year’s meeting are February 15-18, with opening plenary and reception scheduled for Wednesday the 15th, followed by three full days of sessions on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Our official meeting hotel is the La Fonda, located directly on the Plaza in central Santa Fe. Our negotiated room rate is $149/night (plus applicable taxes and fees) and includes internet and self-parking. See “Hotel Information” tab to the left for room reservation instructions.

Additional meeting details will be posted in the months to come, so check back frequently! Most importantly, remember the traditional October 15, 2016 paper submission deadline! Papers can already be submitted via the “Login/Register” link to the left.