For our 62nd meeting in 2023, we’re heading to Big Island, HI (returning to one of our member’s most beloved spots !! It is our 5th meeting in Big Island!!).
Our meeting dates are February 15-18, 2023, with the opening plenary and reception scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday (Feb. 15), followed by three full days of sessions on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (Feb 16-18).
Only full papers (draft format acceptable) will be accepted for this conference. All submissions will be reviewed and will be assigned a discussant on the program.
All presenters are expected to discuss a paper and/or chair a session.
Our meeting hotel is Hilton Waikoloa Village in Big Island, HI, one of our members’ most beloved meeting spots. Located on the sunny, scenic Kohala Coast, the oceanfront resort offers a taste of the island life full of culture, poolside relaxation, and a chance to meet marine wildlife up close. At Hilton Waikoloa Village, you can enjoy the magic of Hawaii, an oasis dotted with lagoons, pools, water slides, and a wide variety of restaurants and bars. Our negotiated daily room rate is $239 plus applicable taxes and a $15 resort fee (reduced from $45 for our group). Compare our discounted rate to the regular daily room rate of $585 plus applicable taxes and a $45 resort fee. See the “Hotel Information” link to the left for the reservation instruction.

Full meeting information will be available in the upcoming Newsletter (be sure to renew your membership in order to receive it!) and on our website. Check back in the weeks to come!
The deadline for submission of full papers (draft version acceptable) is now extended to November 30, 2022! This does not apply to the Tiebout Prize Paper Competition submission (The hard deadline for Tiebout Competition is October 15, 2022).