Archive | News

Pengyu Zhu Awarded the 25th Annual Tiebout Prize

Pengyu Zhu, of the University of Southern California, was awarded the 25th Annual Charles M. Tiebout Prize at WRSA’s 50th anniversary meeting in Monterey, California. Pengyu is a PhD student in USC’s School of Policy, Planning, and Development, studying with Peter Gordon. His paper is titled, “Are Telecommuting and Personal Travel Complements or Substitutes?” Congratulations Pengyu! We look forward to hearing more on your research over the coming years!

The pool of applicants for this year’s Prize was a terrific one – more details and pictures from the luncheon awards ceremony to follow soon.

Something Old, Something New

Welcome to WRSA’s new website.  Here you’ll find all the previous information from the old site, plus – over the next few months – a few new additions, as we take advantage of new posting options for photo galleries and video.

Watch this space for upcoming Newsletters, which will cover both the successful 50th Anniversary meeting in Monterey, as well as the upcoming 51st Annual Meeting – at which we will once again meet at the Sheraton Kauai in Poipu, Hawaii.  Save the date: February 8-11, 2012.

Some meeting information is already available, such as the Call for Papers and information related to Tiebout Prize submissions.

In the meantime, should you catch any omissions or errors in the new site, please feel free to pass along that information (