Palm Springs, California

Western Regional Science Association

40th Anniversary, 1961-2001


40th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association

Riviera Resort and Racquet Club, Palm Springs, California
February 25 – 28, 2001Held in association with a Special Seminar of the Applied Econometrics Association

(Version 3.28; Last Changes made: February 13, 2001; E-mail addresses of participants have now been added to the Participant Locator.  Note — Quite a few corrections and changes have been made since the Program was first posted.  Please recheck your assignments frequently from now until the conference!)


PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS:Please check this Preliminary Program closely to find the scheduling of your paper as well as your discussant and/or chair assignment(s).  To help you in this task, see the Participant Locator below.

Please note that longstanding WRSA tradition and policy is that all paper presenters may be assigned discussant and/or chair duties.  The Program Co-chairs have attempted to select persons with appropriate skills and interests to discuss each paper, given the very limited number of “degrees of freedom” imposed by scheduling constraints.  Even if you do not consider yourself to be the ideal discussant for the paper you have been assigned, rest assured that the most interesting suggestions and questions sometimes come from scholars with slightly different perspectives than those of the author.

The Program Co-chairs consider the Program posted here to be “final” with respect to scheduling papers and will resist making any changes.  They’ve attempted to honor all scheduling requests received prior to December 1.  Any further program changes must be kept to a minimum due to the fullness of the Program and the need not to inconvenience others with last-minute swaps. Even a seemingly simple change will often lead to a chain reaction of other changes.  Please do, however, continue to check this web-site for the most up-to-date version of the Program between now and the opening of the conference in late February.

Feel free to print out and/or download this Program.  This year you will not be receiving a hard-copy version in the regular mail.  (In the past these often took quite sometime to reach participants and did not always contain the most up-to-date information.)  Copies of the papers have now been e-mailed or mailed out to discussants and session chairs.  If you have revised your paper since the version previously sent to the Association office, it is now your responsibility to get any newer versions directly to your discussant and chair.  E-mail addresses are given in the Participant Locator.


Saturday, February 24

  • 12:00 Noon and throughout the afternoon, Golf Tournament (Interested in participating?  E-mail Terry Clower at or call (940) 565-4049.)

Sunday, February 25

  • 2:00 – 5:30 PM, Registration (Conference Center Foyer)
  • 3:45 – 6:45 PM, Opening 40th Anniversary Plenary Session and Reception

  Sunday, 3:45  – 6:45 PM
Opening 40th Anniversary Plenary Session and Reception
(For All Conference Participants and Accompanying Persons)
Convenors and Cochairs: Lay James GIBSON, WRSA Fellow, 39th WRSA President (1998 – 1999), and WRSA Executive Secretary (1980 – 1991) and Anthony PASCAL, WRSA Fellow and 12th WRSA President (1971 – 1972)“In Celebration of the First Forty Years of the Western Regional Science Association”
An overview of WRSA’s first 40 years as told by a cross-section of Presidents, Fellows,  and Executive Secretaries from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.
Panel of Past WRSA Presidents and Fellows
Michael GREENWOOD, 31st President (1990 – 1991)
Nina GRUEN, 25th President (1984 – 1985)
Jack KNETSCH, 26th President (1985 – 1985)
Ted LANE, 33rd President (1992 – 1993)
Charles LEVEN,  14th President (1973 – 1974)
Bernard MALAMUD, 28th President (1987 – 1988)
Frank MITTELBACH, 16th President (1975 – 1976)
Robert MONAHAN, WRSA Fellow and Past Executive Secretary
Paul POLZIN, 30th President (1989 – 1990)
Harry RICHARDSON, 29th President (1988 – 1989)
Gunter SCHRAMM, 27th President (1986 – 1987)

A Toast to WRSA’s Next 40 Years, and a Reception, to Follow

Monday, February 26, Morning

  • 8:15 AM and throughout the day, Registration (Conference Center Foyer)
  • 8:15  –  9:00 AM, Coffee available (Conference Center Breezeway)
  • 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Six Concurrent Paper Sessions: 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F
  • 9:00 – 10:30 AM, AEA Session S1
  • 10:30 – 11:00 AM, Coffee Break
  • 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM, AEA Session S2

Monday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Paper Session 1A ~ Northern Development/Remote Regions I:
The Design and Delivery of Education in the North
Chair: Jennifer MCBEATH, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
9:00 – 9:45
A Web Site to Support Learning about Alaska Native Communities, Cultures, and History
        Paul ONGTOOGUK, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Discussant: Lennard SILLANPAA, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland
9:45 – 10:30
Social Work Education in Remote Regions: A Collaborative Learning Circle Approach
        Michael K. ZAPF, R. BODOR, J. CARRIERE, B. BASTIEN, and W. PELECH, Univ. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Discussant: Jerry MCBEATH, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
Innovative College Programs Combining Scientific and Native Traditional Knowledge, Yukon Territory Canada
        Joanne MCNEAL, Virginia Tech. Univ., Blacksburg, USA
Discussant: Jennifer MCBEATH, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
11:45 – 12:30
Museum Centered Programming: Community Determined Programming
        Dave WELLS, Quinault National Museum Project, Olympia, Washington, USA
Discussant: Terrence COLE, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA 

Monday, 9:00 – 11:45 AM
Paper Session 1B ~ Labor Markets
Chair: Jacques POOT, Victoria Univ., Wellington, New Zealand
9:00 – 9:45
Public Transit and the Spatial Distribution of Minority Employment: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
        Harry J. HOLZER, John M. QUIGLEY, and Steven RAPHAEL, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
Discussant: Hiroyuki SHIBUSAWA, Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, Japan
9:45 – 10:30
Economic Returns to Labor Market Careers
        Lars Olaf PERSSON, Nordregio, Stockholm, Sweden
Discussant: Tyler J. BOWLES, Utah State Univ., Logan, USA

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
Regional Aspects in the Decision to Naturalize: The Case of Mexicans in the United States
        Arjun CHAKRAVARTI and Michael J. GREENWOOD, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
Discussant: Jacques POOT, Victoria Univ., Wellington, New Zealand

Monday, 9:00 – 12:30 AM
Paper Session 1C ~ Models of Regional Growth and Convergence
Chair: Mark DRABENSTOTT, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, USA
9:00 – 9:45
Inflation, Output, and Stock Prices: Evidence from Brazil
        Bahram ADRANGI, Univ. of Portland, Oregon, USA, and Arjun CHATRATH, and Antonio Z. SANVICENTE, Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais, Sใo Paolo, Brasil
Discussant: Tom HARRIS, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, USA
9:45 – 10:30
Regional Convergence and the Impact of Regional PPP-adjustment: A Spatial Empirical Study of the Swedish Counties, 1911 – 1993
        Patrik GUSTAVSSON and Joakim PERSSON, Trade Union Institute for Economic Research, Stockholm, Sweden
Discussant: Bernard L. WEINSTEIN, Univ. of North Texas, Denton, USA

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
A Simultaneous Model of Long-Term Regional Job and Population Changes
     Ingvar HOLMBERG, Univ. of Gothenberg, Sweden, B๖rje JOHANSSON, J๖nk๖ping International Business School, Sweden, and Ulf STROMQUIST, Temaplan AB, Stockholm, Sweden
Discusssant: Christopher HENRIE, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
11:45 – 12:30
J-Curve: Evidence from East Asia
        Thomas C. LOWINGER, Washington State Univ., Pullman, and Anil K. LAL, Pittsburg State Univ., Kansas, USA
Discussant: John KEITH, Utah State University, Logan, USA 

Monday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Paper Session 1D ~ Transportation I
Chair: Bijan VASIGH, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
9:00 – 9:45
The Propagation of Uncertainty through Travel Demand Models
        Yong ZHAO and Kara KOCKELMAN, Univ. of Texas, Austin, USA
Discussant: Makoto OKUMURA, Hiroshima Univ., Japan
9:45 – 10:30
Simulating the Effects of Land Use and Transportation Policies
        Paul WADDELL, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA
Discussant: Chaug-Ing HSU, National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
Spatial Analysis of the Relationship Between Housing Values and Investments in Transportation Infrastructure
        Brian A. MIKELBANK, Cleveland State Univ., Ohio. USA
Discussant: Frank G. MITTELBACH, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
11:45 – 12:30
Clearing the Track: Appraising Railway Perspectives on the Issues of Regulation and Competition in the North American Rail Industry
        William DREW, Canadian Wheat Board, Canada and James NOLAN, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
Discussant: Reza G. HAMZAEE, Missouri Western State College, St. Joseph, and Walden Univ., Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Monday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Paper Session 1E ~ Hazards, Risks, and Public Policy
Chair: Harry W. RICHARDSON, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
9:00 – 9:45
The Socioeconomic Impacts of “The Big One”
        Peter GORDON, James E. MOORE II, Harry W. RICHARDSON, M. SHINOZUKA, Sungbin CHO, Shin LEE, and Gang YU, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Discussant: Robert J. STIMSON, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
9:45 – 10:30
The Schizophrenian Good: The Case of Police Response to Alarms
        Erwin A. BLACKSTONE, Simon HAKIM, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and Uriel SPIEGEL, Bar Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel
Discussant: Meagan E. CAHILL, Univ. Arizona, Tucson, USA

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
Flood Risk, Ecological Risk and Willingness to Pay: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Urban Watershed Management
       David E. CLARK, Margaret C. DAUN, Michael HUTCHINSON, Robert GRIFFIN, Vladimir NOVOTNY, and Alena BARTOSOVA, Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Discussant: Aidan VINING, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
11:45 – 12:30
The Effect of Natural Hazard Disclosure Policies on California Real Estate Markets
        Austin TROY, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
Discussant: Christopher J. PETTIT, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Monday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Session 1F ~ Western States Economic Outlook
Chair: Timothy D. HOGAN, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, USA
Description: Overviews and updates on economic/demographic trends and forecasts for western U.S. states. Discussion of factors underlying growth and comparison of sectoral trends.  All conference participants welcome to participate!

9:00 – 10:30

  • Arizona   Lee R. MCPHETERS, Arizona State Univ., Tempe
  • California  Esmael ADIBI, Chapman Univ., Orange, California
  • Colorado  Richard WOBBEKIND, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
  • Montana  Paul Polzin, Univ. of Montana, Missoula
10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:00

  • Nevada Keith SCHWER, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Oregon  Brian HOLLY, Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, Salem
  • Utah  Thayne ROBSON, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City
  • Washington  R. Pete PARCELLS, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington

Monday, 9:00 – 10:30 AM
AEA Session S1 ~ Methodology
Chair: Arthur GETIS, San Diego State Univ., California, USA
9:00 – 9:30
A Raster GIS Procedure for Calculating Conditional Locational Interdependence
        M. John HODGSON, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
9:30 – 10:00
Enhancement of Aerosol Optical Thickness Imagery with Geostatistical Interpolation
        Pavlos S. KANAROGLOU, N. SOULAKELIS, et al., McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
10:00 – 10:30
Spatial Pattern Detection and Scale
        Alan T. MURRAY, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA

Monday, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
AEA Session S2 ~ Methodology
Chair: Tony SMITH, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
11:00 – 11:30
Analytical Description of Spatial Patterns
        Arthur GETIS, San Diego State Univ., California, and Jean H.P. PAELINCK, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
11:30 – 12:00
Spatial Extensions of Longitudinal Models
        Brigitte WALDORF, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
12:00 – 12:30
The Specification and Distributional Properties of the Cross-Moran’s IYZ
        Michael TIEFELSDORF, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, and Peter A. ROGERSON, State Univ. of New York, Buffalo, USA

Monday, February 26, Afternoon

  • 12:30 – 2:00 PM, Lunch on your own
  • 2:00 – 5:30 PM, Six Concurrent Paper Sessions: 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F
  • 2:00 – 3:30 PM, AEA Session E1
  • 3:30 – 4:00 PM, Coffee Break
  • 4:00 – 5:30 PM, AEA Session E2
  • 4:00 – 5:30 PM, WRSA Board Meeting (By invitation only)


Monday, 2:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper Session 2A ~ Transportation II
Chair: Marlon BOARNET, Univ. of California, Irvine, USA2:00 – 2:45
Banning the Bahn: Preferred Transport Options by Firms of Austrian Industrial Clusters
        Gunther MAIER and Edward M. BERGMAN, Vienna Univ. of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
Discussant: Roger R. STOUGH, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia, USA
2:45 – 3:30
The Importance of Transportation Costs for Market Forms and Competition
        Jan Owen JANSSON and Rickard WALL, Link๖ping Univ., Sweden
Discussant: James NOLAN, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Whence Induced Demand?
        David M. LEVINSON and Seshasai KANCHI, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Discussant: Ronald McQUAID, Napier Univ., Edinburgh, Scotland
4:45 – 5:30
Optimal Railway Commuting Pattern under Flexible Work Time System
        Makoto OKUMURA, Mitsunori YOSHIMURA, Hiroshima Univ., Japan and Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Kyoto Univ., Japan
Discussant: Kara KOCKELMAN, Univ. of Texas, Austin, USA

Monday, 2:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper Session 2B ~ Tourism and Regional Effects
Chair: : Neil L. MEYER, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA
2:00 – 2:45
Modeling Hotelier Revenue Sensitivity to Increasing Hotel Occupancy Taxes: An Interrupted Time Series Approach
        Terry L. CLOWER, Univ. of North Texas, Denton, USA
Discussant: Robert G. FLETCHER, California State Univ., Bakersfield, USA
2:45 – 3:30
The Economic Impact of Culture and the Arts in Hawai’i in Relation to Tourism
        Juanita C. LIU, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
Discussant: Antoine S. BAILLY, Univ. de Gen่ve, Switzerland

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Amenity or Extraction-Based Rural Economies? The Role of Tourism and Other Resource-Based Industries in Inland Northwest Towns
        Charles C.  HARRIS and Dennis BECKER, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA
Discussant: Mats JOHANSSON, Swedish Institute for Regional Research, ึstersund, Sweden
4:45 – 5:30
Tourism Policy in Brittany (France) and South West England (UK): A Cluster Analysis of Tourism Markets at the Local Level
        Ronan DE KERVENOAEL, Instituto Technologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico
Discussant: Neil L. MEYER, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA

Monday, 2:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper Session 2C ~ Regional Economic Modeling I
Chair: Randall W. JACKSON, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA
2:00 – 2:45
What if We All Stayed Home
        George GOLDMAN, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
Discussant: Charlie KARLSSON, J๖nk๖ping Univ., Sweden
2:45 – 3:30
Environmental Regulations and New Plant Location Decisions: Evidence from a Meta-analysis
        Tim JEPPESEN, Univ. of Southern Denmark, Odense, John A. LIST, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, and Henk FOLMER, Tilburg Univ., The Netherlands
Discussant: Steve PIPER, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, USA

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
A Metropolitan Input-Output Model: Intersectoral and Interspatial Relations of Production, Income Formation, and Consumption
        Myung-Jin JUN, Chung-Ang Univ., Korea
Discussant: Randall W. JACKSON, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA
4:45 – 5:30
The REMI Multiregional U.S. Policy Analysis Model
        Frederick TREYZ and George I. TREYZ, Regional Economic Models, Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts
Discussant: Joe McCLURE, McCLURE and Associates, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Monday, 2:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper Session 2D ~ Applied Regional Science Analysis of U.S. Growth and Development
Co-sponsored by AUBER
Chair: Timothy D. HOGAN, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, USA
2:00 – 2:45
Determining the Wage Impact on a Regional Economy
        John R. LOMBARD, John WHALEY, and Sean LACROIX, Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Discussant: Paul POLZIN, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, USA
2:45 – 3:30
The Quality of Life in U.S. Metropolitan Areas in the 1990s
        Lall RAMRATTAN, Michael SZENBERG, and Thomas J. WEBSTER, Pace Univ., New York, New York, USA
Discussant: Jean-Marie HURIOT, Univ. de Bourgogne, Dijon, France

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Who Would Live in Las Vegas? Profiling New Residents
        Keith SCHWER, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Discussant: Richard L. MORRILL, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA
4:45 – 5:30
Medical Research and the Location of High-tech Medical Firms
        Kenneth WIEAND, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Discussant: Max MUNDAY, Cardiff Business School, Wales

Monday, 2:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper Session 2E ~ Migration Analysis
Chair: Andrei ROGERS, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, USA
2:00 – 2:45
Deconcentration and the Inward Redistribution of Population Within the Western United States: 1969 – 1997
        Christopher HENRIE, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson
Discussant: William A.V. CLARK, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
2:45 – 3:30
Capturing the Age and Spatial Structures of Migration
        Andrei ROGERS and James RAYMER, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
Discussant: Waldo TOBLER, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, USA

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Spatial Disequilibrium and Low Skilled Worker Migration: Does Incomplete Amenity Compensation Matter?
        Nancy E. WHITE, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, David E. CLARK, Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, William E. HERRIN, Univ. of the Pacific, Stockton, California, and Thomas A. KNAPP, Pennsylvania State Univ. Wilkes Barre Campus, Lehman, USA
Discussant: Michael J. GREENWOOD, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, USA
4:45 – 5:30
Roy Meets David: Self-Selection in Labour Market Migration with Incomplete Information
        Jeremiah ALLEN, Univ. of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Discussant: Steven RAPHAEL, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA

Monday, 2:00 – 5:30 PM
Paper Session 2F ~ Northern Development / Remote Regions II: Institutions and Development
Chair: Tom MOREHOUSE, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
2:00 – 2:45
‘We Are Going to Help Our Indians’: Garfield Pocatello, Ralph Dixey, and the Struggle over Resources and Leadership at Fort Hall Reservation, 1910 – 1935
        John HEATON, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Tom MOREHOUSE, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
2:45 – 3:30
Are Russia’s Regions Ready for a Municipal Bond Market?: A Comparison of Alaska and the Russian Far East
        Greg PROTASEL, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Discussant: Juri PLUSNIN, Novosibirsk State Univ., Russia

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Arctic Institutions and Climate Change
        Jerry MCBEATH, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Dave WELLS, Quinault National Museum Project, Olympia, Washington, USA
4:45 – 5:30
Land Claims, Treaties, and Resource Conflict in Yukon Territory, Canada
        Steven COHN, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
Discussant: Matt BERMAN, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA

Monday, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
AEA Session E1 ~ Methodology
Chair: Luc ANSELIN, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
2:00 – 2:45
Serial and Spatial Error Dependence in Space-Time Models
       J. Paul ELHORST, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands
2:45 – 3:30
Assessing Spatial Error Structure with the Generalized Nested Logit Model
        Anders KARLSTRึM, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA

Monday, 4:00 – 5:30 PM
AEA Session E2 ~ Applications
Chair: Brigitte WALDORF, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
4:00 – 4:30
Geographic and Network Neighbors: Locational effects of Telecommunication Infrastructure
        Kingsley E. HAYNES, S. YILMAZ, and M. DINC, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia, USA
4:30 – 5:00
Knowledge Spillovers in Germany: Is Regional Innovative Activity Path-dependent?
        Eckhardt BODE, The Kiel Institute of World Economics, Germany
5:00 – 5:30
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters for a Travel Time Forecasting Model
        Jinsoo YOU and T. John KIM, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

Monday, 4:00 – 5:30 PM
WRSA Board Meeting
(By Invitation Only)
Convenor: David A. PLANE, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA

Tuesday, February 27, Morning

  • 8:00 AM and throughout the day, Registration (Conference Center Foyer)
  • 8:00  –  8:30 AM, Coffee available (Conference Center Foyer)
  • 8:30 or 9:15 AM – 12:00 PM, Six Concurrent Paper Sessions: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F
  • 8:30 – 10:00 AM, AEA Session S3
  • 10:00 – 10:30 AM, Coffee Break
  • 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, AEA Session S4

Tuesday, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper Session 3A ~ Regional Development I
Chair: Paul POLZIN, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, USA
8:30 – 9:15
Microstates and Sub-National Regions: Mutual Industrial Policy Lessons
        Harvey W. ARMSTRONG, Univ. of Sheffield, and R. READ, Lancaster Univ., England
Discussant: Thayne ROBSON, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
9:15 – 10:00
A Regional Economic Analysis of Federal Reserve Districts
        Jon R. MILLER and Ismail GENC, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA
Discussant: Roger VICKERMAN, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, England

10:00 – 10:30, Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:15
Foreign Direct Investment to Japan and its Implications: Case Study of Yokohama
        Mitsumasa ICHIISHI, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virgina, USA, and Koji SATO, Kanagawa Univ., Yokohama, Japan
Discussant: Richard WOBBEKIND, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, USA
11:15 – 12:00
Regional Growth of Manufacturing Industries in Mexico: An Analysis of Total Factor Productivity
        No้ Ar๓n FUENTES and C้sar M. FUENTES, El Paso, Texas, USA
Discussant: Julius M. WALECKI, Univ. of LaVerne, California, USA

Tuesday, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper Session 3B ~ The Regional Science of Technological Process
Chair: Genevi่ve DUBOIS TAINE, Minist่re de L’Equipement, des Transports, et du Logement, Paris, France
8:30 – 9:15
Cotton Farmers Technical Efficiency: Stochastic and Non-Stochastic Production Function Approaches
        Kalyan CHAKRABORTY, Emporia State Univ., Kansas, Sukant MISRA, and Phillip JOHNSON, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, USA
Discussant: Daniel OSGOOD, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
9:15 – 10:00
Do Cities Still Matter? The Geographical Imperative in Technological Progress and Economic Development
        Thomas E. VASS, Venture Capital Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Discussant: Bernard BIZZET, ESSEC, Paris, France

10:00 – 10:30, Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:15
The Information Technology Cluster in Tucson, Arizona
        Meagan E. CAHILL, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: Michael I. LUGER, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
11:15 – 12:00
Optimal Location of Telecommunications Satellites in Outer Space
        Hiroyuki SHIBUSAWA, Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, Japan
Discussant: Jeremiah ALLEN, Univ. of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Tuesday, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper Session 3C ~ Education, Training, and Labor Markets
Chair: Ronald McQUAID, Napier Univ., Edinburgh, Scotland
8:30 – 9:15
The Impact of Community College Training on State Economic Development
        Theodore LANE, Thomas/Lane and Associates, Seattle, Washington, USA
Discussant: Lars Olaf PERSSON, Nordregio, Stockholm, Sweden
9:15 – 10:00
Economies of Scale in Wyoming Public Education
        Tyler J. BOWLES and Ryan BOSWORTH, Utah State Univ., Logan, USA
Discussant: Thomas A. KNAPP, Pennsylvania State Univ., Wilkes-Barre Campus, Lehman, USA

10:00 – 10:30, Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:15
Wages and Unemployment in Local Labor Markets: A Meta-Analysis of Empirical Evidence Regarding the Wage Curve
        Peter NIJKAMP, Free Univ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Jacques POOT, Victoria Univ., Wellington, New Zealand
Discussant: Robert GIBBS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., USA
11:15 – 12:00
An Analysis of the Elite Athlete Education Component of the Global Sports Industry
        L. Michael FARRELL, Univ. de Qu้bec เ Trois Rivi่res, Canada
Discussant: James E. SCHECHTER, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, USA

Tuesday, 9:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper Session 3D ~ Regional Economic Modeling II
Chair: George I. TREYZ, Regional Economic Models, Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
9:15 – 10:00
The Local Effects of Foreign Manufacturing: Evidence from the Mechanical Engineering and Electronics Sectors in the UK South West
        Steven BRAND, Univ. of Plymouth, England, and Max MUNDAY, Cardiff Business School, Wales
Discussant: Edward M. BERGMAN, Vienna Univ. of Economics and Business Administration, Austria

10:00 – 10:30, Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:15
A Spatial Output Decomposition Method for Assessing Regional Economic Structure
        Randall W. JACKSON and David DZIKOWSKI, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, USA
Discussant: B๖rje JOHANSSON, J๖nk๖ping International Business School, Sweden
11:15 – 12:00
A Bayesian Forecasting Approach to Evaluating and Constructing Regional Input-Output Based Employment Multipliers
        Dan S. RICKMAN, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, USA
Discussant: Bahram ADRANGI, Univ. of Portland, Oregon, USA

Tuesday, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper Session 3E ~ Real Estate: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
Chair: Steve WEINER, Southern California Association of Governments, Los Angeles, USA
8:30 – 9:15
An Optimisation Model for Estimating Levels of Demand and Supply Opportunities for Retirement Village Living
        Robert J. STIMSON and Sharon MCGOVERN, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Discussant: Timothy D. HOGAN, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, USA
9:15 – 10:00
Regional Retail Investments: An Empirical Analysis of Local Retail Returns for the United States
        Pim KLAMER, Cees GORTER, and Peter NIJKAMP, Free Univ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Discussant: Brenda MOSCOVE, California State Univ., Bakersfield, USA

10:00 – 10:30, Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:15
Economic Analysis of Ground Lease Based Land Use System
        Frederic F. DENG, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Discussant: Frank G. MITTELBACH, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
11:15 – 12:00
Transferable Development Rights in the United States and their Implications for Korea
         Chang-Hee Christine BAE, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA
Discussant: Dennis WAMBEM, Land Use Economics, Norco, California, USA

Tuesday, 9:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Paper Session 3F ~ Travel Patterns and Urban Structure
Chair: Richard L. MORRILL, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA
9:15 – 10:00
Household Mode Choice and Residence Rent Distribution in a Metropolitan Area with Surface Streets and Rail Transit Networks
        Chaug-Ing HSU and Shwu-Ping GUO, National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan
Discussant: Brian A. MIKELBANK, Cleveland State Univ., Ohio, USA

10:00 – 10:30, Coffee Break

10:30 – 11:15
Does Commuting Distance Matter? Commuting Tolerance and Residential Change
        William A.V. CLARK, Youquin HUANG, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, and Suzanne WITHERS, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA
Discussant: David M. LEVINSON, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
4:45 – 5:30
U.S. Suburbanization: History in the Light of Theory
       C้line BOITEUX and Jean-Marie HURIOT, Univ. de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Discussant: Paul WADDELL, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA

Tuesday, 8:30 – 10:00 AM
AEA Session S3 ~ Methodology
Chair: Harry H. KELEJIAN, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
8:30 – 9:00
Robustness of Autocorrelartion Specifications: Some Monte Carlo Evidence
        Robin  DUBIN, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio, USA
9:00 – 9:30
Non-linear Spatial Dependence in the Tails
        Giuseppe ARBIA, Univ. “G. d’annunzio” of Chieti, Pescara, Italy
9:30 – 10:00
Simple Tests for Spatial Dependence in Space-Time Data
        Sergio J. REY, San Diego State Univ., California, USA

Tuesday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
AEA Session S4 ~ Methodology
Chair: Sergio J. REY, San Diego State Univ., California, USA
10:30 –11:00
Local Statistics Based on Gaussian Kernels: Edge Correction, Irregular Latices, Spatial Autocorrelation, and Uncertain Cluster Sizes
        Peter A. ROGERSON, State Univ. of New York, Buffalo, USA
11:00 – 11:30
A New Information Theoretical Measure of Global and Local Spatial Association
        Vania CECCATO, Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, and Anders KARLSTRึM, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
11:30 – 12:00
Optimal Aggregation of Spatial Weight Matrices
        Tony SMITH, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Tuesday, February 27, Afternoon

  • 12:15 – 2:00 PM, Annual Luncheon Banquet (for All Conference Participants)
  • 2:15 – 5:45 PM, Six Concurrent Paper Sessions: 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F
  • 2:15 – 3:45 PM, AEA Session E3
  • 3:45 – 4:15 PM, Coffee Break
  • 4:15 – 5:45 PM, AEA Session E4
  • 6:00 – 7:30 PM, President’s Reception (for All Conference Participants)
  • 7:30 – 9:00 PM, Annals of Regional Science Board Meeting (By Invitation Only)

  Tuesday, 12:15 – 2:00 PM
Annual Luncheon Banquet
(For All Conference Participants; Tickets Required for Accompanying Persons)
Chair: John M. QUIGLEY, WRSA President (2000 – 2001)Presentation Ceremonies:
The Sixth Annual Springer-Verlag Prize
Presented by: Roger R. STOUGH, Coeditor, The Annals of Regional Science, and WRSA President-Elect (2001 – 2002)
The Fifteenth Annual Charles M. Tiebout Prize in Regional Science
Presented by: Lay James GIBSON, Chair, 2000 – 2001 Reading Committee, and WRSA Past President (1998 – 1999)

Presidential Address:
“The New Century: Lessons Learned from Singapore’s Shopping Sector During the 1990s”
Brenda J. MOSCOVE, WRSA President (2001 – 2002)
Discussant: Juanita C. LIU, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu


Tuesday, 2:15 – 5:45 PM
Paper Session 4A ~ Regional Capacity Building: Hard and Soft Factors
Chair: Pete PARCELLS, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
2:15 – 3:00
Public Cost for Private Gain – New “National” Stadium Developments in the UK, and Lessons from North America
        Calvin JONES, Cardiff Business School, Wales
Discussant: John M. QUIGLEY, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
3:00 – 3:45
Financial and Operational Performances of the U.S. Major Hub Airports
        Reza G. HAMZAEE, Missouri Western State College, St. Joseph, and Walden Univ., Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Bijan VASIGH, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
Discussant: Frederic F. DENG, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA

3:45 – 4:15, Coffee Break

4:15 – 5:00
Local Social Capital and Entrepreneurship
        Hans WESTLUND, Swedish Institute for Regional Research, ึstersund, Sweden, and Roger BOLTON, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA
Discussant: Robert FORMAINI, Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, USA
5:00 – 5:45
Human(e) Services for ‘the Poor’?: Governing the Low-Income Self in Colorado’s Front Range
        James A. SCHECHTER, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Discussant: Simon HAKIM, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Tuesday, 2:15 – 5:00 PM
Paper Session 4B ~ Regional Development II
Chair: Claude LACOUR, Univ. Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, France
2:15 – 3:00
Le Temps des C้pages: Du Terroir au Syst่me-Monde
        Antoine S. BAILLY, Univ. de Gen่ve, Switzerland
Discussant: Rachel S. FRANKLIN, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
3:00 – 3:45
Meeting Rural America’s Challenges in the 21st Century: Rethinking Rural Policy
        Mark DRABENSTOTT, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Discussant: Harvey W. ARMSTRONG, Univ. of Sheffield, England

3:45 – 4:15, Coffee Break

4:15 – 5:00
Contribution of Collective Entrepreneurship in Regional Development: Case Study of Two New Brunswick Enterprises
        Pierre-Marcel DESJARDINS, Omer CHOUINARD, and Eric FORGUES, Univ. de Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Discussant: Ermelinda LOPES, Univ. of Minho, Braga, Portugal 

Tuesday, 2:15 – 5:45 PM
Paper Session 4C ~ Environmental Quality
Chair: Thomas E. VASS, Venture Capital Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
2:15 – 3:00
A Dynamic Approach to Estimating Hedonic Prices for Environmental Goods: An Application to Open Space Purchase
        Mary RIDDEL, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Discussant: Charles C. HARRIS, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA
3:00 – 3:45
Effects of Air Quality Regulation on the Destination Choice of Relocating Firms
        John A. LIST, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, W. Warren McHONE, Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, and Daniel MILLIMET, Southern Methodist Univ.. Dallas, Texas, USA
Discussant:  Aidan VINING, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

3:45 – 4:15, Coffee Break

4:15 – 5:00
Economic Health Benefits of Soil Conservation in the Southwestern United States
        Todd C. LABANDT, Cherokee Environmental Risk Management, Denver, Colorado, and Paul C. HUSZAR, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, USA
Discussant: George GOLDMAN, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
5:00 – 5:45
Towards Strategic Impact Assessments of Sustainable Urban Development
        Lars LUNDQVIST, Univ. Tsukuba, Japan
Discussant: W. Warren McHONE, Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, USA

Tuesday, 2:15 – 5:45 PM
Paper Session 4D ~ Housing: Markets and Choice
Chair: Ronan DE KERVENOAEL, Instituto Technologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City, Mexico
2:15 – 3:00
Housing Tenure Choices in Transitional Urban China: A Multilevel Analysis
        Youquin HUANG, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
Discussant: Chang-Hee Christine BAE, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA
3:00 – 3:45
Modeling the Decision to Own Rental Property
        Andrew NARWOLD, Univ. of San Diego, California, USA
Discussant: Scott SUSIN, New York Univ., USA

3:45 – 4:15, Coffee Break

4:15 – 5:00
The Internal and External Impact of Historical Designation on Property Values
        N. Edward COULSON, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park and Robin M. LEICHENKO, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Discussant: Peter KITCHEN, Univ. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
5:00 – 5:45
Transaction Costs, Price Discovery, and the Dynamics of Owner-Occupied Housing Prices
        Christian L. REDFEARN, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Discussant: L. Michael FARRELL, Univ. de Qu้bec เ Trois Rivi่res, Canada

Tuesday, 2:15 – 5:45 PM
Paper Session 4E ~ Northern Development/Remote Regions III: Discovery in Remote Regions
Chair: Michael ZAPF, Univ. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2:15 – 3:00
Northern Regions as Laboratories and Homelands: A History of Arctic Science
        Fae KORSMO, Arctic Social Sciences, National Science Foundation, USA
Discussant: Claus-M. NASKE, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
3:00 – 3:45
Liars and Thieves: Who Found the Klondike?
        Terrence COLE, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Steven COHN, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA

3:45 – 4:15, Coffee Break

4:15 – 5:00
The End of Remoteness
        Lee HUSKEY, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Discussant: John ZIKER, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
5:00 – 5:45
The Small Indigenous Nations of Northern Russia and Their Rights as Aboriginal Peoples: An Analysis of Current Administrative Policies on Their Traditional Culture and Livelihood
        Lennard SILLANPAA, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland
Discussant: Michael ZAPF, Univ. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Tuesday, 2:15 – 5:45 PM
Paper Session 4F ~ Water and Energy
Chair: Richard APOSTLE, Center of Local and Regional Development, The Faroe Islands
2:15 – 3:00
The Impact of Higher Natural Gas Prices on the Texas Economy
        Bernard L. WEINSTEIN and Terry L. CLOWER, Univ. of North Texas, Denton, USA
Discussant: Lee R. McPHETERS, Arizona State Univ, Tempe, USA
3:00 – 3:45
Pricing Municipal and Industrial Water from Federal Water Projects in the Western United States
         Steven PIPER, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, USA
Discussant: Keith SCHWER, Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

3:45 – 4:15, Coffee Break

4:15 – 5:00
The Implications of Climate Specification in Water Demand Studies
        R. Ashley LYMAN and Richard B. COFFMAN, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA
Discussant: Austin TROY, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
5:00 – 5:45
Resolving Taiwan’s Nuclear Puzzle: The Economic Impacts of Terminating the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant
        Ping-Cheng LI, Tamkang Univ., Tamsui, Taiwan
Discussant: Thomas LOWINGER, Washington State Univ., Pullman, USA

Tuesday, 2:15 – 3:45 PM
AEA Session E3 ~ Methodology
Chair: Jes๚s MUR , Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain
2:15 – 2:45
Connectropy Analysis: An Application to Belgian Regions
        Johann F. KAASHOEK, Jean H. P. PAELINCK, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and Henrie G. ZOLLER, Catholic Univ. of Louvain, Belgium
2:45 – 3:15
On Connectropy
        Jean H. P. PAELINCK, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
3:15 – 3:45
Detecting Spatial Effects and Non-Linearity in Spatial Regression Models: Simulation Results for a General Misspecification Test
    Raymond J. G. M. FLORAX, Thomas De GRAAFF, Kees van Montfort, and Peter NIJKAMP, Free Univ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Tuesday, 4:15 – 5:45 PM
AEA Session E4 ~ Methodology
Chair: Raymond J. G. M. FLORAX, Free Univ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
4:15 – 4:45
Small Sample Properties of Estimators of Spatial Models with Spatial Lags in the Dependent Variable and Disturbances
        D. DAS, Harry H. KELEJIAN, and I. R. PRUCHA, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
4:45 – 5:15
Properties of Tests for Spatial Errors Components
        Luc ANSELIN, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, and Rosina MORENO, Univ. of Barcelona, Spain
5:15 – 5:45
Using Matrix Exponentials to Explore Spatial Structure in Regression Relationships
        James P. LESAGE, Univ. of Toledo, Ohio, and R. Kelley PACE, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, USA

  Tuesday, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
President’s Reception
(For All Conference Participants and Accompanying Persons)
Hosted by: Brenda J. MOSCOVE, WRSA President (2001 – 2002)

Tuesday, 7:30 – 9:00 PM
The Annals of Regional Science, Board Meeting
(By Invitation Only)
Convenors: Marianne BOPP, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, B๖rje JOHANSSON, J๖nk๖ping International Business School, Sweden,T. John Kim, Univ. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, USA, and Roger R. STOUGH, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia, USA

Wednesday, February 28, Morning

  • 8:30 AM and throughout the morning, Registration (Conference Center Foyer)
  • 8:30  –  9:00 AM, Coffee available (Conference Center Foyer)
  • 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM, Six Concurrent Paper Sessions: 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F
  • 9:00 – 10:30 AM, AEA Session S5
  • 10:30 – 11:00 AM, Coffee Break
  • 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM, AEA Session S6

Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Paper Session 5A ~ Northern Development/Remote Regions IV: Economic Behavior in the North
Chair: Lee HUSKEY, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
9:00 – 9:45
Hunting for Models: Neoclassical and Institutional Approaches to Analyzing Climate Effects on Subsistence Hunting in an Arctic Community
      Matt BERMAN and Gary KOFINAS, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Discussant: John HEATON, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
9:45 – 10:30
The Household’s Economic Behavior Patterns on the Russian North: A Paradoxical Surviving Strategy During Social Crisis (1995 – 2000)
        Juri PLUSNIN, Novosibirsk State Univ., Russia
Discussant: Joanne MCNEAL, Virgina Tech. Univ., Blacksburg, USA

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
Where is the Beef: The Failure to Develop an Alaskan Red Meat Industry
        Claus-M. NASKE, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Lee HUSKEY, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
11:45 – 12:30
Clan Holdings, Assigned Territories, and Common Pool Resources: Land Tenure Developments in the Taimyr Autonomous Region, Northern Russia
        John ZIKER, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
Discussant: Paul ONGTOOGUK, Univ. of Alaska, Anchorage, USA 

Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Paper Session 5B ~ Economic Diversification and Regional Composition
Chair: Max MUNDAY, Univ. of Cardiff, Wales
9:00 – 9:45
Industrial Composition, Economic Diversity, and Services: A Longitudinal Analysis of Oregon’s Economy
        Brian P. HOLLY, Daniel BURGHART, Oregon Economic and Community Development Department, Salem, and Audrey E. CLARKE, Western Oregon Univ., Monmouth, USA
Discussant: Steven BRAND, Univ. of Plymouth, England
9:45 – 10:30
An Application of Target MOTAD Procedures for Targeting Economic Diversification
        Thomas R. HARRIS, Chang K. SEUNG, Shawn W. STODDARD, and Rangesan NARAYANAN, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, USA
Discussant: Gary TOMPKINS, Univ. of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
Contribution of Recreation in Valley County, Idaho
        Maria GUADERRAMA, Neil L. MEYER, and Aaron HARP, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA
Discussant: Dawn THILMANY, Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, USA
11:45 – 12:30
Aquaculture as a Diversification Strategy in the Faroe Islands
        Richard APOSTLE, ำlavur Waag HุGNESEN, Center of Local and Regional Development, The Faroe Islands, and Andrias REINERT,     Aquaculture Research Station of the Faroes, The Faroe Islands
Discussant: Gerald A. DOEKSEN, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, USA

Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Paper Session 5C ~ Marginalized and Disadvantaged Populations: Informing Policy
Chair: Philip MARTIN, Univ. of California, Davis, USA
9:00 – 9:45
The IMF Impact on the Urban Marginalized in Korea
        Seong-Woo LEE, Seoul National Univ., Korea and Seong-Kyu HA, Chung-Ang Univ., Korea
Discussant: George RENGERT, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, USA
9:45 – 10:30
A Spatial and Temporal Model of Urban Deprivation Change: East Montr้al and the Montr้al Urban Community – 1986 to 1996
        Peter KITCHEN, Univ. of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Discussant: Mary RIDDEL, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
The Geography of Rural Low-Skill Employment: Application of a Small-Area Iterative Estimation Method
        Robert M. GIBBS, Lorin D. KUSMIN, and John B. CROMARTIE, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Discussant: Bruce A. WEBER, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, USA
11:45 – 12:30
Rent Vouchers and the Price of Low-Income Housing
        Scott SUSIN, New York Univ., USA
Discussant: N. Edward COULSON, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, USA

Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 11:45 PM
Paper Session 5D ~ Regional Science Theory and Epistemology
Chair: Roger BOLTON, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA
9:00 – 9:45
Consistency and Crossbreeding in French Speaking Regional Science: An Epistemological Concern
        Claude LACOUR and Sylvette PUISSANT, Univ. Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, France
Discussant: Jon R. MILLER, Univ. Idaho, Moscow, USA
9:45 – 10:30
Knowledge Spillovers in a Spatial Context – A Critical Review and Assessment
        Charlie KARLSSON and Agostino MANDUCHI, J๖nk๖ping Univ., Sweden
Discussant: Roger BOLTON, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA

10:30 – 11:00, Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
What Explains Spatial Patterns of Economic Growth? A Quasi-Experimental Meta-Analytic Approach
        Raymond J. G. M. FLORAX, Henri L. F. DE GROOT, Reinout HEIJUNGS, Free Univ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Discussant: Joakim PERSSON, Trade Union Institute for Regional Research, Stockholm, Sweden

Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Paper Session 5E ~ Spatial Decision Support Methods
Chair:  Christopher J. PETTIT, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
9:00 – 9:45
Practical Problems in New Firm Research: Defining and Tracking Business Start-ups
        Michael I. LUGER and Jun KOO, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Discussant: Adrian MOORE, Univ. of California, Irvine, USA
9:45 – 10:30
Community-Based Assessments for Sustainable Resource Management in the Pacific Northwest
        Charles C. HARRIS, William J. MCLAUGHLIN, Dennis R. BECKER, and Erik A. NIELSEN, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA
Discussant: Sherman LEWIS, California State Univ., Hayward, USA

10:30 – 11:00,Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45
Formulating an On-line Spatial Decision Support System for Evaluating Urban and Regional Planning Scenarios
        Christopher J. PETTIT, Tung-Kai SHYY, and Robert J. STIMSON, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Discussant: R. Pete PARCELLS, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
11:45 – 12:30
Pigovian Taxes Versus Government Weather Information: A GIS-Based Comparison of Policy Alternatives in Agricultural Drainage Management
        Daniel OSGOOD, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Discussant: R. Ashley LYMAN, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, USA

Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Panel Session 5F
Forum: “How Well Does Current Economic Theory Describe the New Paradigm Economy?”
Chair:  Robert FORMAINI, Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, TexasPanelists:
Terry CLOWER, Univ. of North Texas, Denton
Charles VAN EATON, Pepperdine Univ., Malibu, California
Richard EBELING, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan

Wednesday, 9:00 – 10:30 AM
AEA Session S5 ~ Methodology
Chair: Giuseppe ARBIA, Univ. “G. d’annunzio” of Chieti, Pescara, Italy9:00 – 9:45
Theoretical Economic Geography and Spatial Econometrics: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Evidence?
        Bernard FINGLETON, Univ. of Cambridge, England
9:45 – 10:30
Tracking Rainstorms Using Rain-Gauge Data
        Graham UPTON, Univ. of Essex, Colchester, England

Wednesday, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
AEA Session S6 ~ Applications
Chair: Bernard FINGLETON, Univ. of Cambridge, England
11:00 – 11:45
Identifying Spatial Clusters: A Bayesian Approach
        L. XU, Shuming BAO, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
11:45 – 12:30
Geographically Weighted Regression as a Statistical Model
       Chris BRUNSDON, A. Stewart FOTHERINGHAM, and Martin CHARLTON, Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Wednesday, February 28, Afternoon

  • 12:30 – 2:00 PM, Lunch (on your own)
  • 2:00 –  5:30 PM, Five Concurrent Paper Sessions: 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E
  • 2:00 – 3:30 PM, AEA Session E5
  • 3:30 – 4:00 PM, Coffee Break
  • 4:00 – 5:30 PM, AEA Session E6
  • 5:30 PM, Close of Conference

Wednesday, 2:00 – 4:45 PM
Paper Session 6A ~ Urbanism
Chair: Koji SATO, Kanagawa Univ., Yokohama, Japan
2:00 – 2:45
An Analysis of the Human Settlement Structures in France: Ville Emergente
        Genevi่ve DUBOIS TAINE, Minist่re de L’Equipement, des Transports, et du Logement, Paris, France
Discussant: David A. PLANE, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
2:45 – 3:30
The Campus Community Within Its Setting
        George F. RENGERT, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Discussant: Audrey E. CLARKE, Western Oregon Univ., Monmouth, USA

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
The Impossible City? Can the “New Urbanist” and the “Garden (Auto) City” Coexist?
        Richard L. MORRILL, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA
Discussant: Andrew NARWOLD, Univ. of San Diego, California, USA 

Wednesday, 2:00 – 4:45 PM
Paper Session 6B ~ Trade and Regional Integration
Chair: No้ Ar๓n FUENTES, El Paso, Texas, USA
2:00 – 2:45
International Migration and European Integration
        Matloob PIRACHA and Roger VICKERMAN, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, England
Discussant: Hans WESTLUND, Swedish Institute for Regional Research, ึstersund, Sweden
2:45 – 3:30
New Regional Growth Stimulators: Are Trading Blocs & Common Markets Supporting Regional Development?  The Case of Mercosul and Brazil
        Julius M. WALECKI, Univ. of La Verne, California, USA
Discussant: C้sar M. FUENTES, El Paso, Texas, USA

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Keeping the Lottery Winnings: A Better Allocation of Canadian Softwood Export Quota
        Richard SCHWINDT and Aidan VINING, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Discussant: Terry CLOWER, Univ. of North Texas, Denton, USA

Wednesday, 2:00 – 4:45 PM
Paper Session 6C ~ Regional Sustainability and the Future of Growth and Development
Chair: R. Pete PARCELLS, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
2:00 – 2:45
Regional Fertility and Economic Fluctuations – The Case of Sweden
        Mats JOHANSSON, Swedish Institute for Regional Research, ึstersund, Sweden
Discussant: Brigitte WALDORF, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, USA
2:45 – 3:30
Ten Principles for Regional Sustainability
        Sherman LEWIS, California State Univ., Hayward, USA
Discussant: Lars LUNDQVIST, Univ. Tsukuba, Japan

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Growth and Development Policy: From Location to Globalization
        Ermelinda LOPES, Univ. of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Discussant: Brian P. HOLLY, Oregon Community and Economic Development Department, Salem, USA
5:00 – 5:45
Hawaii for the Hawaiians: The Economic and Cultural Future of East Maui
        R. Pete PARCELLS and Danica NOBLE, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, USA
Discussant: Ted LANE, Thomas/Lane and Associates, Seattle, Washington, USA 

Wednesday, 2:00 – 4:45 PM
Paper Session 6D ~ Labor Market Dynamics in the Rural West
Cochairs: Bruce A. WEBER, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, USA, and Dawn THILMANY, Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, USA
2:00 – 2:45
Regional Labor Market Conditions and the Rural Poor: Does Regional Job Growth Help Rural Poor Adults without Jobs?
        Elizabeth E. DAVIS, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, Laura S. CONNOLLY, Univ. of Northern Colorado, Greeley, USA, and Bruce A. WEBER, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, USA
Discussant: David E. CLARK, Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
2:45 – 3:30
Farmworkers in the Mountain and Northwest Regions: Employment, Demographic, and Household Trends
        Dawn THILMANY, Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, and Jennifer GRANNIS, Univ. of the Pacific, Stockton, California, USA
Discussant: Nancy E. WHITE, Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Unemployment and Welfare Reform in Rural California
        Richard GREEN, Philip MARTIN, and J. Edward TAYLOR, Univ. of California, Davis, USA
Discussant: William E. HERRIN, Univ. of the Pacific, Stockton, California, USA

Wednesday, 2:00 – 4:45 PM
Paper Session 6E ~ Service Provision and Local Public Finance
Chair: Dennis WAMBEM, Land Use Economics, Norco, California, USA
2:00 – 2:45
Privatization and Entrepreneurial Growth
        Adrian MOORE, Univ. of California, Irvine, USA
Discussant: Steve WEINER, Southern California Assoc. of Governments, Los Angeles, USA
2:45 – 3:30
Helping Decision-Makers Maintain Primary Health Care Services in Rural Counties
        Gerald A. DOEKSEN, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, USA
Discussant: Rangesan NARAYANAN, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, USA

3:30 – 4:00, Coffee Break

4:00 – 4:45
Consideration about Local Taxation and Real Estate Taxation in France
        Bernard BIZET, ESSEC, Paris, France
Discussant: Calvin JONES, Cardiff Business School, Wales

Wednesday, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
AEA Session E5 ~ Applications
Chair: Anders KARLSTRึM, Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
2:00 – 2:30
Spatial Dependence and Regional Convergence in Brazil
        Andr้ MAGALHรES and Geoffrey J. D. HEWINGS, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
2:30 – 3:00
The East German Wage Curve: 1993 – 1998
        Badi H. BALTAGI, Uwe BLIEN, and Katja WOLF, Institut fuer Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung, Nuernberg, Germany
3:00 – 3:30
Closed-Form Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Spatial Problems
     R. Kelley PACE, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, and James P. LESAGE, Univ. of Toledo, Ohio, USA 

Wednesday, 4:00 – 5:30 PM
AEA Session E6 ~ Methodology and Applications
Chair: Jean H. P. PAELINCK, Erasmus Univ., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
4:00 – 4:45
Some Proposals for Discriminating Between Spatial Processes
        F. J. TRIVEZ and Jes๚s MUR, Univ. de Zaragoza, Spain
4:30 – 5:30
Estimation of Alonso’s General Theory of Movement by Means of Instrumental Variables
        Jacob  J. de VRIES, Peter NIJKAMP, and Piet  RIETVELD, Free Univ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Wednesday, 5:30 PM, Close of Conference

2001 Program Participant Locator

OS = Opening Session on Sunday Afternoon;  AL = Annual Luncheon on Tuesday;
PR = President’s Reception on Tuesday Evening
WBM = WRSA Board Meeting on Monday Afternoon; ABM = Annals Board Meeting on Tuesday Evening

1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F on Monday Morning; 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F on Monday Afternoon
3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F on Tuesday Morning; 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D,4E, 4F on Tuesday Afternoon
5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5Fon Wednesday Morning; 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E on Wednesday Afternoon

AEA Sessions:
S1, S2 on Monday Morning; E1, E2 on Monday Afternoon
S3, S4 on Tuesday Morning; E3, E4 on Tuesday Afternoon
S5, S6 on Wednesday Morning; E5, E6 on Wednesday Afternoon

Click on a letter below to go to a participant’s name
(Coming soon…  E-mail addresses for presenters, chairs, and discussants)
 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


– A –
Adibi, E. (1F)
Adrangi, B. (1C, 3D)
Allen, J. (2E, 3B)
Anselin, L. (E1, E4)
Apostle, R. (4F, 5B)
Arbia, G. (S3, S5)
Armstrong, H. W. (3A, 4B)
– B –
Bae, C. C. (3E, 4D)
Bailly, A. S. (2B, 4B)
Baltagi, B. H. (E5)
Bao, S. (S6)
Bartosova, A. (1E)
Bastien, B. (1A)
Becker, D. (2B)
Becker, D. R. (5E)
Beckmann, M. (WBM)
Bergman, E. M. (2A, 3D)
Berman, M. (2F, 5A)
Bizet, B. (3B, 6E)
Blackstone, E. A. (1E)
Blien, U. (E5)
Boarnet, M. (2A)
Bode, E. (E2)
Bodor, R. (1A)
Boiteux, C. (3F)
Bolton, R. (4A, 5D)
Bopp, M. (ABM)
Bosworth, R. (3C)
Bowles, T. J. (1B, 3C)
Brand, S. (3D, 5B)
Brunsdom, C. (S6)
Burghart, D. (5B)
– C –
Cahill, M. E. (1E, 3B)
Carriere, J. (1A)
Ceccato, V. (S4)
Chakraborty, K. (3B)
Chakravarti, A. (1B)
Charlton, M. (S6)
Chatrath, A. (1C)
Cho, S. (1E)
Chouinard, O. (4B)
Clark, D. E. (1E, 2E, 6D)
Clark, W. A. V. (2E, 3F)
Clarke, A. E. (5B, 6A)
Clower, T. L. (2B, 4F, 5F, 6B)
Coffman, R. B. (4F)
Cohn, S. (2F, 4E)
Cole, T. (1A, 4E)
Connolly, L. S. (6D)
Coulson, N. E. (4D, 5C)
Cromartie, J. B. (5C)
– D –
Das, D. (E4)
Daun, M.C. (1E)
Davis, E. E. (6D)
de Graaff, T. (E3)
de Groot, H. L. F. (5D)
de Kervenoael, R. (2B, 4D)
de Vries, J. J. (E6)
Deng, F. F. (3E, 4A)
Desjardins, P. (4B)
Dinc, M. (E2)
Doeksen, G. A. (5B, 6E)
Drabenstott, M. (1C, 4B)
Drew, W. (1D)
Dubin, R. (S3)
Dubois Taine, G. (3B, 6A)
Dzikowski, D. (3D)
– E –
Ebeling, R. (5F)
Elhorst, J. P. (E1)
– F –
Fan, Y. H. (WBM)
Farrell, L. M. (3C, 4D)
Fingleton, B. (S5, S6)
Fletcher, R. G. (2B)
Florax, R. J. G. M. (5D, E3)
Folmer, H. (2C)
Forgues, E. (4B)
Formaini, R. (4A, 5F)
Fotheringham, S. (S6)
Franklin, R. S. (4B)
Fuentes, C. M. (3A, 6B)
Fuentes, N. A. (3A, 6B)
– G –
Genc, I. (3A)
Getis, A. (S1, S2, WBM)
Gibbs, R. M. (3C, 5C)
Gibson, L. J. (OS, AL, WBM)
Goldman, G. (2C, 4C)
Gordon, P. (1E)
Gorter, C. (3E)
Grannis, J. (6D)
Green, R. (6D)
Greenwood, M. J. (1B, 2E)
Griffin, R. (1E)
Gruen, N. (OS)
Guaderrama, M. (5B)
Guo, S. (3F)
Gustavsson, P. (1C)
– H –
Ha, S. (5C)
Hakim, S. (1E, 4A)
Hamzaee, R. G. (1D, 4A)
Harp, A. (5B)
Harris, C. (2B, 4C, 5E)
Harris, T. R. (1C, 5B, WBM)
Hartgen, D. T. (3F, 6A)
Haynes, K. E. (E2)
Heaton, J. (2F, 5A)
Heijungs, R. (5D)
Henrie, C. (1C, 2E)
Herrin, W. E. (2E, 6D)
Hewings, G. J. D. (E5, WBM)
Hodgson, M. J. (S1)
Hogan, T. D. (1F, 2D, 3E)
H๘gnesen, ำ. W. (5B)
Holland, D. W. (WBM)
Holly, B. P. (1F, 5B, 6C, WBM)
Holmberg, I. (1C)
Holzer, H. J. (1B)
Hsu, C. (1D, 3F)
Huang, Y. (3F, 4D)
Huriot, J. (2D, 3F)
Huskey, L. (4E, 5A, WBM)
Huszar, P. C. (4C)
Hutchinson, M. (1E)
– I –
Ichiishi, M. (3A)
– J –
Jackson, R. W. (2C, 3D)
Jansson, J. O. (2A)
Jeppesen, T. (2C)
Johansson, B. (ABM, 1C, 3D)
Johansson, M. (2B, 6C)
Johnson, P. (4B)
Jones, C. (4A, 6E)
Jun, M. (2C)
– K –
Kaashoek, J. F. (E3)
Kanaroglou, P. S. (S1)
Kanchi, S. (2A)
Karlsson, C. (2C, 5D)
Karlstr๖m, A. (E1, S4, E5)
Keith, J. (1C)
Kelejian, H. H. (S3, E4)
Kim, T. J. (ABM, E2, WBM)
Kitchen, P. (4D, 5C)
Klamer, P. (3E)
Knapp, T. A. (2E, 3C)
Knetsch, J. (OS)
Kobayashi, K. (2A)
Kockelman, K. (1D, 2A)
Kofinas, G. (5A)
Koo, J. (5E)
Korsmo, F. (4E)
Kusmin, L. D. (5C)
– L –
LaBandt, T. C. (4C)
Lacour, C. (4B, 5D)
LaCroix, S. (2D)
Lal, A. K. (1C)
Lane, T. (3C, 6C)
Le Sage, J. P. (E4, E5)
Lee, S. (1E)
Lee, S-W (5C)
Leichenko, R. M. (4D)
Levinson, D. M. (2A, 3F)
Lewis, S. (5E, 6C)
Li, P. (4F)
List, J. A. (2C, 4C)
Liu, J. C. (AL, 2B, WBM)
Lombard, J. R. (2D)
Lopes, E. (4B, 6C)
Lowinger, T. C. (1C, 4F)
Luger, M. I. (3B, 5E)
Lundqvist, L. (4C, 6C)
Lyman, R. A. (4F, 5E)
– M –
Magalhใes, A. (E5)
Maier, G. (2A)
Maillat, D. (WBM)
Malamud, B. (OS)
Manduchi, A. (5D)
Martin, P. (5C, 6D)
McBeath, J. (1A)
McBeath, J. (1A, 2F)
McClure, J. (2C)
McGovern, S. (3E)
McHone, W. W. (4C)
McLaughlin, W. J. (5E)
McNeal, J. (1A, 5A)
McPheters, L. R. (1F, 4F)
McQuaid, R. (2A, 3C)
Mera, K. (WBM)
Meyer, N. L. (2B, 5B)
Mikelbank, B. (1D, 3F)
Miller, J. R. (3A, 5D)
Millimet, D. (4C)
Misra, S. (4B)
Mischaikow, M. (WBM)
Mittelbach, F. G. (OS, 1D, 3E)
Monahan, R. (OS, WBM)
Moore, A. (5E, 6E)
Moore, J. E. II (1E)
Morehouse, T. (2F)
Moreno, R. (E4)
Morrill, R. L. (2D, 3F, 6A)
Moscove, B. (3E, WBM, AL, PR)
Munday, M. (2D, 3D, 5B)
Mur, J. (E3, E6)
Murray, A. T. (S1)
– N –
Narayanan, R. (5B, 6E)
Narwold, A. (4D, 6A)
Naske, C. (4E, 5A)
Nielsen, E. A. (5E)
Nijkamp, P. (3C, 3E, E3, E6, WBM)
Noble, D. (6C)
Nolan, J. (1D, 2A)
Novotny, V. (1E)
– O –
Okumura, M. (1D, 2A)
Ongtooguk, P. (1A, 5A)
Osgood, D. (3B, 5E)
Osman, J. (WBM)
– P –
Pace, R. K. (E4, E5)
Paelinck, J. H. P. (S2, E3, E6, WBM)
Parcells, R. P. (1F, 4A, 5E, 6C)
Pascal, A. (OS, WBM)
Pelech, W. (1A)
Persson, J. (1C, 5D)
Persson, L. O. (1B, 3C)
Pettit, C. J. (1E, 5E)
Piper, S. (2C, 4F)
Piracha, M. (6B)
Plane, D. A. (WBM, 6A)
Plusnin, J. (2F, 5A)
Polzin, P. (1F, 2D, 3A)
Poot, J. (1B, 3C)
Protasel, G. (2F)
Prucha, I. R. (E4)
Puissant, S. (5D)
– Q –
Quigley, J. M. (AL, WBM, 1B, 4A)
– R –
Ramrattan, L. (2D)
Raphael, S. (1B, 2E)
Raymer, J. (2E)
Read, R. (3A)
Redfearn, C. L. (4D)
Reinert, A. (5B)
Rengert, G. F. (5C, 6A)
Rey, S. J. (S3, S4)
Richardson, H. W. (OS, 1E)
Rickman, D. S. (3D)
Riddel, M. (4C, 5C)
Rietveld, P. (E6)
Robson, T. (1F, 3A)
Rogers, A. (2E)
Rogerson, P. A. (S2, S4)
– S –
Sanvicente, A. Z. (1C)
Sato, K. (3A, 6A)
Schechter, J. A. (3C, 4A)
Schramm, G. (OS)
Schwer, K. (1F, 2D, 4F)
Schwindt, R. (6B)
Seung, C. K. (5B)
Shibusawa, H. (1B, 3B)
Shinozuka, M. (1E)
Shyy, T. (5E)
Sillanpaa, L. (1A, 4E)
Smith, T. (S2, S4)
Soulakelis, N. (S1)
Spiegel, U. (1E)
Stimson, R. J. (1E, 3E, 5E, WBM)
Stoddard, S. W. (5B)
Stough, R. R. (AL, WBM, ABM, 2A)
Stromquist, U. (1C)
Susin, S. (4D, 5C)
Szenberg, M. (2D)
 – T –
Taylor, J. E. (6D)
Thilmany, D. (5B, 6D)
Tiefelsdorf, M. (S2)
Tobler, W. (2E)
Tompkins, G. (5B)
Treyz, F. (2C)
Treyz, G. I. (2C, 3D)
Trivez, F. J. (E6)
Troy, A. (1E, 4F)
– U –
Upton, G. (S5)
– V –
van Eaton, C. (5F)
van Montfort, K. (E3)
Vasigh, B. (1D, 4A)
Vass, T. E. (3B, 4C)
Vickerman, R. (3A, 6B)
Vining, A. (1E, 4C, 6B)
– W –
Waddell, P. (1D, 3F)
Waldorf, B. (S2, E2, 6C)
Walecki, J. M. (3A, 6B)
Wall, R. (2A)
Wambem, D. (3E, 6E)
Weber, B. A. (5C, 6D)
Webster, T. J. (2D)
Weiner, S. (3E, 6E)
Weinstein, B. L. (1C, 4F)
Wells, D. (1A, 2F)
Westlund, H. (4A, 6B)
Whaley, J. (2D)
White, N. E. (2E, 6D)
Wieand, K. (2D)
Withers, S. (3F)
Wobbekind, R. (1F, 3A)
Wolf, K. (E5)
– X –
Xu, L. (S6)
– Y –
Yilmaz, S. (E2)
Yoshimura, M. (2A)
You, J. (E2)
Yu, G. (1E)
– Z –
Zapf, M. K. (1A, 4E)
Zhao, Y. (1D)
Ziker, J. (4E, 5A)
Zoller, H. G. (E3)